Chapter 30: Family

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*Y/n POV*

It's been two weeks since Articuno woke up, and everything was going well. I sat in my dorm, reading out of S/n's diary. I had my feet on my desk and I was leaned back in my seat.

Articuno and Glynda had gone out to do whatever, and Celebi was hanging out with Nora, eating pancakes.

One thing I had noticed, was that Winter had not gone anywhere, she was just sticking around. She didn't seem to be doing anything other than wallowing in her own guilt. It was sort of sad to see.

I took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling, closing the book. I once again had not found any new information on how to beat Yveltal. Nothing was coming up, no matter how much I researched.

I heard a knock at the door, and walked over. I opened it, and saw Iris standing there.

"Oh hello Iris," I greeted, "What's up?"

"Hello Uncle Y/n," She said happily, "You seem tired, what's wrong?"

I yawned a bit, "Oh it's just your mother's journal. There's nothing in it. I need to admit it, she had nothing that could help us. That book was written years before Yveltal even showed up."

"Oh, that's too bad," She said, "But I had something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Can I have the book?"

I looked at her, as we both stood there, "Why do you want your mother's journal?"

She shuffled her feet, and spoke softly, "Well, I never really knew her, so I thought it would be nice to have a piece of her to keep with me."

I looked at her, and decided to let her have it. I walked over and grabbed the book, and held it out to her.

"Take good care of it," I said, "It might be all we have left of her."

She took it, and ran her hand on the cover. I smiled a bit, as I noticed how much she and S/n really looked alike. She noticed me smiling, and smiled back. It was at that moment I realized S/n wasn't dead, she lived on inside Iris. Not literally, of course.

"Thank you, Uncle Y/n."

"You know what, I think S/n would've wanted you to have it anyway."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked off, opening the book. I watched her leave, and then walked back inside, closing the door behind me.

"Damn S/n," I said, "If I were a fool, I would think you were reincarnated."

I sat back at my desk, allowing my thoughts to run wild. I had man ideas zooming through, on all sorts of topics. The main thing on my mind, however, surprised me. It was not of Yveltal, or Iris, or even of my long lost daughter, but of Winter. It seemed that she had invaded my mind, and all my thoughts went to how to relieve her guilt.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as my scroll began to ring, and I picked it up. On my screen there was a simple message from Gold/Ozpin.

<I need you in my office, immediately. There's trouble.>

I shot out of my chair and threw on my jacket, quickly leaving my room. I walked down the hall and towards Ozpin's office, getting there as quickly as possible.

As I entered, I noticed Winter was already there, though it was just the two of us.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "Is it Yveltal?"

"No, thank Oum, but it's bad." He answered, "Take a look."

He pressed a button on his scroll, and a hologram began to play. It showed to massive clouds, one made of purple flames, and the other of purple lightning.

 It showed to massive clouds, one made of purple flames, and the other of purple lightning

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I watched the two clouds slowly move, seemingly inching closer

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I watched the two clouds slowly move, seemingly inching closer.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"These clouds formed over Vacuo and Mistral, respectively," Ozpin said, "They collided over the deserts in Vacuo, and are apparently going to join together."

"So, you think this has something to do with Legendaries?" I asked.

"Without a doubt."

"Okay," I said, "What are we going to do then?"

"Simple," He said, "You're going to Vacuo. I'll call Glynda and Articuno and tell them to follow you, and I'll send Iris and Teams RWBY and JNPR after."

"Sounds good," I said, "I'll leave immediately."

I began to leave the room, but stopped, and turned to Winter.

"You want to be forgiven?" I asked.


"Then come with me," I said, "I need the help."

She stood there in shock for a minute, and I got impatient.

"Listen up, I want to forgive you, but if you take up anymore time, I'll never forgive you, so are you coming or not?"

"U-uh right, I'm coming!"

She followed behind me, as we left the building, heading for the Bullhead.

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