Chapter 61: Old Friends

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*Y/n POV*

"Will Y/n Lugia, Iris Ho-oh, and Velnas please come to my office," The speakers blared, right as students were beginning to pour out of my class, "Y/n Lugia, Iris Ho-oh, and Velnas, to my office."

"What's going on this time?" I asked no one.

"Obviously something important," Winter said, "You go take care of it, I'll help Glynda with the next class."

"Thanks, snowflake."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and turned to leave the class. Considering that he had just gotten released from my class, Velnas soon joined me as we walked towards the elevator. When we were away from the other students, he spoke.

"What do you think is going on this time?"

"Not sure," I answered honestly, "But it must be important for Ozpin to call in the three of us."

We met Iris outside the elevator, waiting for it to come down. After greeting me with a hug, she asked the same thing, to which I answered I don't know. As soon as the elevator dinged and the door opened, we walked in, selecting the button for Ozpin's office. The elevator quickly began to rise, opening at the top of Beacon tower.

All three of us walked out of the elevator, and into the office. Once there, I saw Present Celebi, Future Celebi, and Gold standing around. Before I could even speak, a third head of green hair came out from behind the Celebis.



*Third Person POV*

Meloetta ran at him, leaping into a hug with Y/n. Y/n caught her, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"It's so good to see you again," Meloetta cried, "After Celebi put you to sleep, I thought I'd never see you again."

"I know," Y/n said, rubbing her head, "It's okay, we're all here now. It's all okay now."

Once the two had let go of each other, Present Celebi flew over and landed on Y/n's shoulders.

"Old me and I found her on the hill!" Celebi said, "She just... APPEARED!"

"What happened?" Y/n asked, "Where'd you go?"

Meloetta sat down on the desk, a harp appearing in her hands. She began to softly strum the harp, playing a sad tune.

"I went back to Unova," Meloetta answered, "We were preparing to put up final offensive against Yveltal. As you can tell..."

"It was a failure," Y/n finished her statement, "The younger gods were never good at warfare."

Y/n took a seat in a seat facing Meloetta, listening to Meloetta's tune. He noticed that a second, more somber tune was playing along. He turned slightly to see that Future Celebi was playing along, much quieter.

"Umm, Uncle Y/n?" Iris asked, "Are you gonna introduce us?"

Meloetta stopped playing, and looked towards Iris. She stood and walked towards her, floating up to her face.

"Hello Iris," She said, "It's been a long time since I last saw you. You still look exactly like your mother."

"Thanks." Iris said, "It's nice to see you again, Meloetta."

Meloetta then turned to Velnas, who stood there quietly. He knew who she was, and she looked at him.

"You're related to Yveltal," She said, "But if you're here, you must be an ally."

"Not an ally," Velnas stated bluntly, "But an enemy united by a common enemy. Velnas, Yveltal's son."

Meloetta nodded, and then floated up to the desk. She took a deep bow, then smiled brightly.

"It's so nice to be back with you all!"

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now