Chapter 33: Fixing Relationship

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

You know what's hard? Writing while sick.

This chapter is bad, but I'm too sick to care. Enjoy.

(Publish Day) I feel a lot better now. I promise you guys that the next chapter will be a lot better.

By the by, is anyone else buying the One's Justice game coming out on friday? I'm actually really excited for it. I'm going to preorder it today.

See ya in another life Brotha!




*Y/n POV*

I walked down the hall, after making sure that Zapdos and Moltres were taken to the infirmary. I felt weird, as I walked up to Glynda's room.

I sighed, "Alright, here we go."

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I pushed the door open a bit, and saw Glynda, sitting there. She seemed pissed.

"Glynda," I said, walking in, "Come on, let me explain-"

"Y/n, I know what was going on." She said, "I'm not mad anymore."

I let out a deep breath, "Thank Arceus. I thought you were going to k-"

"I talked with Winter, and we came to an agreement," She said, "We're going to share you."

"Wait, what?"

I heard something in another room, and saw Winter come out. I looked between the two women in front of me, completely confused.

"I'm so damn confused," I said, "I mean, how is this gonna-"

I was cut off, as Winter pressed her lips against mine. Her kiss was furious and passionate, as shove shoved her tongue into my mouth. Out of instinct, I returned the gesture.

When she split, I was immediately pulled into another kiss, this one from Glynda. Like before, it was passionate and furious, as we made out.

As we split, I looked between the two girls.

"This doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to," Glynda said, "It's love."

"We love you, Y/n." They said in unison.

"I love you both too."

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