Chapter 69: The Past

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[1000 Years Before the Fall of Legends]

*Y/n POV*

I walked along the beach, enjoying the sunset that was beginning to form on the horizon. It felt like a great day, one that brought endless joy.

"Wonderful sunset, isn't it?"

I turned to the old man who sat on the beach. He had his eyes closed and his legs stretched in front of him, basking in the sun. He had a gentle smile on his face, and the sun framed him as a wise man.

"Yes, yes it is," I replied, "A beautiful evening indeed."

"Ho-oh sure knows how to give us gifts," He said, "Gifts of life and beauty."


He patted the ground next to him and urged me to sit, which I did. As I sat in the sand, leaning back on my palms, we began to speak.

"So, young man," He began, "What brings you to our corner of the Johto?"

"I spend my life by the sea waters," I vaguely explained, "As the waters flow, so do I."

"A man of my own heart," He laughed, "In my young ages, I was a great sailor. I would travel from here to Hoenn to Unova and carry my loads around the world. Yes sir, I may speak very highly of Ho-oh and the other gods, but I own my life and treasures to the great God of the Seas, Great Lugia."

I chuckled, suddenly remembering this man. Once, a long time ago, he was a strong young sailor, headstrong and stubborn as they come. He traveled my waters carelessly, but for some reason, I felt that I should help him. It seemed that no matter where he went, there was some strange storm or rough waters the he required saving from. And so I did, sating my curiosity to see what a human would do given the opportunity.

"Great Lugia," I repeated, "He probably saw something in you, something he admired."

"You think so?" He asked, "I'm not sure, but I'd like to ask him myself one day."

He stood and spread his arms so that his form took up the sun. He basked in the sun's warm gaze, a smile plastering his face.

"Yes, I'm sure," I answered, "I'm sure."

"Yes sir," He cheered, "When I die, I shall see Lugia's brilliant form flying overhead, leading me to Arceus' glowing gates!"

"And the legendaries shall cheer that die."

He sat, and we spoke. We spoke and spoke and spoke, until the red sky of evening became the black of deep night. We laughed and spoke and philosophized, enjoying the company that each other brought.

Once it became to late, to the point where both of us were yawning deeply, he stood up. He let out a loud yawn and turned to me, offering a hand to help me up.

"Thank you for listening to me and my rambles," He said, "May Lugia see that your travels are as great as they are wide."

"And may Arceus' grant you long life, my newfound friend."

We shook hands, and he turned to leave, to head into the nearby town.

It happened almost in slow motion. A shadow shot out from the nearby hills, a sword gleaming in the moonlight. I had no time to stop him, as the shadow brought his sword through the old man's chest, sending blood flying against the sand and his body following.

I was disgusted by the shadow, as he stood in front of me. He carried his sword at his side and wore a large cloak.

"So, you have returned for me," I said, "Come to take your revenge?"

He pointed his sword at me silently, and charged. He sliced vertically at me, and I stepped to the side as if nothing had happened. He whipped around within a second, and I jumped into the air. I brought my foot to his face, kicking hard enough to send him flying into the sand. He sand landed next to me, and I grabbed it by the handle.

"So, the fool has still not learned his lesson," I walked closer to him, "Maybe one day, my former student, you shall be wiser than you are today."

I put the sword to his cloak and pulled it upwards, revealing his face.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now