Chapter 5: Family Reunited

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*Iris POV*

We entered Lugia's room, and I was amazed.

There was a massive waterfall, and there was a large pool surrounding everything.

There was a massive waterfall, and there was a large pool surrounding everything

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We stood on the land, as Celebi flew out over the pool, and crossed his arms.

"I can't believe you Big Bro!" He yelled, "She's here and you're asleep!"

As if in response, the waterfalls began to get faster, as the water came down more heavily.

"Come on! Get up!" Celebi yelled.

Suddenly, Lugia's cry was heard, as I saw the curled shadow of Lugia sleeping behind the waterfall.

He uncurled, and he looked out, still behind the waterfalls. His eyes glowed bright blue, and then the waterfalls slowed, and he flew out, floating over the pool.

"Big Bro!" Celebi said.

Lugia began to glow, and then turned into a human, as he landed, standing on the water.

He walked up to us, as Celebi hovered behind him.

"Welcome children," He said, his voice calm and kind, "I'm glad you made it."

"After my boat was destroyed." The captain grumbled.

"Ah yes, you'll have to forgive me," Y/n said, "I'm not used to getting visitors, the last two made me try to destroy humanity."

He looked over to me, and his smile widened. It looked like tears came to his eyes.

"Iris, you're so beautiful." He said, "Just like she was."

I looked over him, he must be talking about my mom.

"You have a lot to explain." Yang said, kind of rudely.

*Y/n POV*

"Yes, I do."

We all sat down, as I began.

"Okay, first, no need to call me Lugia. I prefer to be called Y/n."

"Okay then." The red one said, "I am-"

"No need for introductions, Ruby," I interrupted, "I know who you all are."

She gasped, and Yang seemed to get angry.

"How do you know her?" Yang said.

I laughed, "A simple trick. Any god could do it."

"Yeah, even I can!" Celebi said, his smile beaming.

"Anyway, let me tell you about the past," I said, "Where do I begin..."

"Millions of years ago, I was created by Arceus, the god who created everything. He created me to control the seas, and to keep it calm for the humans. Back then, the world was divided into regions, and I lived in the Johto region."

"He also created a god of the skies, one who would help and live with me in the Johto Region. Her name was S/n Ho-oh. As you can guess, she was my sister, your mother."

I looked towards Iris, who just looked back at me.

"She was a beautiful woman, a gentle god, and an amazing sister. It was no surprise humans loved her. And she loved the attention. She was always appearing in front of humans, just floating in the sky. She even had humans who worshiped her, who created a massive tower in her honor.  I preferred solitude, thus I made my home in these islands, creating whirlpools to keep people away."

"So that's why the whirlpools just showed up out of nowhere." Jaune said.

"Yes, young warrior." I said, "It was important that I could work unimpeded by humans."

"Warrior?" He said to himself, and I continued.

"Together, we were happy. And we kept the humans safe, protecting them from everything. A few hundred years later, Arceus gave us another god, Celebi."

"Yep!" Celebi said, "Arceus told me to live in Johto, so Y/n and S/n took care of me! Eventually, I even got my own shrine!"

I laughed, "Yes, and things seemed fine. But, all good things come to an end."

"What happened?" Pyrrah asked.

"Well, S/n had fallen in love with a human, a boy who had proved his worthiness to me many times. His name was Gold. I didn't object to their marriage. Eventually, they had a child. They named her Iris Ho-oh."

I looked over to Iris, to see her looking down.

"They loved you more than anything." I said, "They would have died to protect you. Which, in the end, they both did."

"How did they die?" Iris asked.

"It was when you were only a year old." I said, a tear coming to my eye at the memory, "Apocalypse began."

"Apocalypse?" Weiss asked.

"It began with a human named Lysandre," I said, "His goal was to destroy the world and replace it with his perfect world. He used an ancient weapon, which used the power of a god to create incredible power."

"What god was that?" Blake asked.

"That god was not known by me or any other god at the time, as he was not created by Arceus. His name was Yveltal. And he was a god of destruction."

"And he killed my mom?" Iris asked angrily.

"Yes." I said, "He used Lysandre and his weapon to kill gods one by one. After he achieved most of his goal, he began to kill all humans, beginning with Lysandre. At that point, there were only two gods left, me and S/n. It was absolute chaos. After Groudon, the god of the continents, was killed, the continents began to drift apart. After Kyogre, a god of the seas who helped me a lot, was killed, the seas were out of control. Storms are my specialty, controlling the seas is a lot harder, hence why I needed help. It went on, with gods dying, and the world falling into chaos."

I took a deep breath, and continued, "Yveltal eventually brought his destruction to the Johto region, killing humans and destroying everything. He then decided to fight us. He initiated this fight by... killing your father in front of us."

Iris' eyes went wide, and I felt tears come to my eyes.

"After that, there was no way we wouldn't fight him, and it proved to be our mistake."

I stood up and looked over the pool, as everyone looked at me, and Celebi sat down.

"He injured me, and managed to nearly kill S/n." I said, "She was injured beyond the point of healing, no matter how much I tried. In desperation, she shoved you into my arms and said 'Please, keep her safe.'"

I turned back to them, "Then I made an important decision. I asked Celebi to take me millions of years in the future, to find a place where you would be safe. We ended up near a family, and we left you there, hoping they would take you in. And they did, for which I am grateful."

I looked towards Yang and Ruby when I said that, and I nodded.

"Before I left, I gave you something that would keep you safe," I said, "Most humans nowadays call it an Aura. Back then, it was called a blessing of the gods."

"Afterwards, I returned to my time with Celebi, and I went into a deep sleep, awaiting when I would be woken up to see the new world, and continue my fight, with Yveltal."

"And that is my tale." I finished.

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