Chapter 21: Cinder

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*Y/n POV*

I slowly opened my eyes, hearing the beeping of a hospital machine. I looked around, realizing that I was in the infirmary.

The door opened, and Glynda came in, seeing me awake. She ran at me, tackling me in a hug.

"I was so worried about you!" She yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

I wrapped my arms around her, as she cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay," I said, rubbing her back, "It's okay. I'm still here."

Other people came into the room, and I saw Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Iris, and Ozpin/Gold. Celebi came flying in, tackling me and grabbing on tightly.

"I was so scared Big Bro!"

"Uncle Y/n, your okay!"

Iris hugged me tightly, as I patted her back as well. Both girls and Celebi let go of me, and I swung my legs off the bed, sitting on the side.

"Y/n, you should be more careful," Jaune said, "I mean, you were out for a while. You could still be hurt."

Ignoring him, I stood up, weakly leaning on a side table. I walked over to Yang, and she closed her eyes, preparing herself for a whirlwind of anger.

I threw my arms around her, holding her close as if she was my own daughter.

"Yang, I'm so glad you're okay."


"I understand why you did what you did. As foolish as it is, it's impressive." I said, "You were jealous and angry, a terrible combination. You were not thinking, and acted on emotion. But, there was also an element of protection. You wanted to protect your sister, no matter what distance you had to go. I respect that, no matter how foolish your actions were."


She started to sob, leaning into my shoulder. I just held her, as she cried into my shoulder.

"I-I'm s-so sorry." She said.

"It's alright," I rubbed her back, "It's alright. I forgive you."

After she stopped crying, we split, and I sat back down on the bed.

"Now, can we try something?" Iris said.

"What is it Iris?" I replied.

"I'd like us all to try being a family," She said, "I think it'll work out."

"I'm all for it."

After everyone had said their goodbyes, they left, Glynda being the last one out of the room, giving me a kiss before leaving. The only person left was Gold.

"That was incredibly foolish, Y/n," He said, "You could've died."

"Yeah. But I didn't."

He chuckled, and I leaned back into bed.

"So, you're trying to be a family again?" He said, "Even after what happened to your last one?"

"S/n would want me to do this, to protect Iris."

"I'm not talking about S/n."

I looked down, understanding what he meant.

"If they're out there somewhere, I want to find them." I said, "I still have hope that they survived."

"I hope so too, Y/n."

*Cinder POV*

"Have you sent the pictures already?" I asked Roman.

"Yes Ma'am," he answered, "The pictures are on their way to Atlas. When they arrive, they should be taken straight to Ironwood."


"Cinder?" Emerald said, "Why are we doing this again?"

"To get Lugia's attention focused on something else, so we can kill him while he's distracted."

"We know that," Mercury butted in, "But why? What's the point of all this?"

I turned and looked him in the eye.

"If we succeed, Lord Yveltal will give us anything we want," I said, "Money, power, you name it. All we have to do is kill Lugia."

"Yep, kill a god," I heard Roman say under his breath, "So simple."

"What was that?" I yelled.

"Nothing! Nothing at all."

I closed my eyes and began to think about what will happen.

'Soon Lord Yveltal, I will give you what you want. And you shall reward me, as your greatest servant.'

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now