Chapter 73: Pendulum Swinging

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*Third Person POV*

It was night over Beacon, as the students prepared for bed and drifted off into the night's calm sleep. It was a peaceful time, a cool breeze blowing over the campus.

This was the case with Team RWBY as well, where the girls were beginning to get ready for bed. As they were all dressed in their pajamas, they began to climb into their beds, the lights turned out.

Except one of them, who waited for the other three to fall asleep, and then pulled the covers off, revealing she was still in her regular clothes.

Yang stepped out of bed slowly, staying silent as to not wake the other members of her team. She quickly stepped out into the hallway, quickly turning towards the exit to her dorm.

Yang walked out of the dorms undetected, stepping out into the cold night. She turned and walked out into the Emerald Forest, where the night held a much different atmosphere.

She walked deeper into the forest, the sight of Beacon disappearing from her view. She ignored the pairs of red eyes that glared at her from the shadows of the bushes and trees. She seemed to be unfazed by anything that happened and everything that surrounded her. Not the Grimm that surrounded her, the creepy wind wailing through the trees, nor the roots and shoots that shot out and threatened to trip her.

She didn't stop tearing through the trees until she reached a massive hill, a clearing where she could see the moon directly to her right. The shattered, orbiting ball was bright in the sky, as a figure stood at the edge of the trees.

"So, Yang," The voice said, dark and quiet, "How long has it been since we last met here?"

"Too long, Master." Yang answered, her eyes glowing red.

"Too long indeed," Yveltal said, stepping from the trees and up to the blonde haired girl, "Tell me, has anyone noticed the mark?"

"No Master," Yang replied, lifting her hair, "It has been a pain hiding it from my sisters though."

Yang's lifted hair revealed a brand on her neck, a scar burned to the skin.

"Good girl," Yveltal said, running his hand over the marking of his own likeness, "You've done good

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"Good girl," Yveltal said, running his hand over the marking of his own likeness, "You've done good."

Yang smiled, "Thank you, Master."

Yveltal ran his hand through Yang's hair, gently pulling his fingers through her blonde locks. Rather and beat him to a pulp, as she would any other man, she  smiled even brighter, allowing Yveltal to run his fingers through her hair.

"Yang," Yveltal said seriously, "You haven't betrayed me, have you?"

"No Master," Yang pleaded, "Of course I haven't! I couldn't!"

Yveltal roughly gripped Yang's hair, pulling roughly. Yang's head was pulled backwards, forcing her to look up to the taller Yveltal. A dark grin crossed Yveltal's face, as he brought his face closer to Yang's.

"Good," He replied, "Cause if you did, I'd have to... punish you~"

"Oh Master," Yang said, "Then please... punish me."

Yveltal let go of her hair and separated from her, pushing her to the ground. He turned around and a portal opened behind him, as he began to walk through.

"Follow." He ordered.

Yang quickly stood and scrambled after Yveltal, disappearing into the portal. The portal then collapsed into itself, returning the night to complete silence.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now