Chapter 28: Wake Up

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n, Iris, Team RWBY, and Winter returned to Beacon after that fight, leaving the Atlas military base in flames.

It was an awkward ride, with Winter trying to hide from Y/n, and Y/n's mind on nothing but his daughter.

When the Bullhead finally landed at Beacon, Y/n was the first out, speed walking past Ozpin and Glynda, and straight to the infirmary.

He saw his daughter, lying in the bed, and sat next to her, holding her hand in his.

"Please Articuno," He begged, "Please, just wake up."

His pleas were heard by the people outside the door, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Glynda, Winter, and Ozpin were standing in the doorway.

"A sad thing," Ozpin said, "To watch a father beg for his daughter's life."

Everyone watched in a mix of sadness and despair. Iris walked in and sat at her uncle's side, leaning gently on his shoulder.

"Uncle Y/n," She said softly, "It will be fine. I just know that she'll wake up."

"I hope you're right," Y/n said quietly, "I can't handle any more heartbreak."

Iris wrapped her arms around her uncle, and he leaned on her, as he began to cry weakly. His shoulders hitched with sobs, as Iris just held him closely.

"It will all be okay," Iris said, "I promise you."

Y/n stayed quiet, and gently sobbed into his neice's shoulder.

*Yveltal POV*

Cinder and her group of failures stood in front of me, as I rubbed my eyes.

"Tell me again," I said, "What was the plan here?"

"M-my lord," She said scared, "My plan didn't exactly go according to plan..."

"According to plan!? Your plan was complete failure! You failed me!"

"No, my lord please!"

"No. You were given one chance, and you failed."

I pulled out my sword, and prepared an attack.

"You shall all die!"

I swung my blade, and as they ran, a blade of energy sliced their heads clean off, sending them flying. I watched, as blood splattered my floor, and smiled.

"I love being a god."

Salem came up beside me, and put a hand on my arm.

"I'm so glad you got rid of them," She said, "They were too weak anyway."

"Thank you my dear, but I'm not done yet."

I walked over to a giant pool, inside of which were balls of white energy swarming around. I reached in and grabbed one, this one was purple.

I threw it to the ground, and it began to grow, taking a familiar form.

"W-who are you?" He asked, sitting there coughing.

"I am Yveltal, enemy of Y/n Lugia."

He looked up at me.

"Y/n Lugia has expelled me, I am no longer at my strongest. If you seek to destroy him, I'll be of no use."

"I'm willing to make a deal," I said, "I'll give you some of my power temporarily, and you shall follow my every order. When you kill Y/n Lugia, you shall absorb his power, and regain your true power."

"And then what?"

"You will continue to serve me."

He seemed to weigh his options, and looked up to me.

"Fine. I shall do this."

"Wonderful," I said, "Tell me, what can I call you?"

"I am the anger within. A creature born of sadness and despair."

He stood to his full height, though he was noticeably slouching from weakness.

"I am the Shadow."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now