Chapter 63: Legendary Mission

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*Y/n POV*

Kyogre and I stood in Opzin's office, listening as Gold gave us a mission. He was holding out a file, and I grabbed it.

"These are pictures taken by Atlas pilots over Mistral,"He explained, "Look familiar."

"These ruins," I said, "These were a shrine once."

"Sad," Kyogre lamented, "What was once a monument to our power is now crumbling to the ground slowly. Ironic, if you consider it."

"Depressing, you mean," I turned to Gold, "When do we leave?"

"I'd like you both to leave as soon as possible. You both need to get to these ruins before anyone else, specifically our old buddy, finds it."

"Then we'll be making our leave," I said, "Bye."

We exchanged out goodbyes, and turned to leave the office. As we were, I turned to see that Kyogre had her head pointed down depressingly. I knew what was going on, I too, had lost many of the most important people in my life to Yveltal.

But I got my kids back, she'll never see her husband again.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

"I miss him too," I said, "But now's not a time to be lamenting those we have lost. Now is the time to continue the fight in their honor."

She sighed heavily, "You're right, like always. But I can't help but miss him. He was my world, my everything. What's the point of a world without him in it?"

The elevator came to a stop, but I stood between her and the door.

"You say he's not here," I said, "That's where you're wrong. Those we lost live all around us, in the hearts of those they effected. S/n lives in our hearts, Reshiram lives in our hearts, and Groudon..."

I stepped forward and held her hand to her chest.

"He lives in your heart. So if you say there is nothing to fight for, you forsake the part of him that lives within you."

I turned and left the elevator, but realized she wasn't following me. I turned back to her, seeing that her hand was still on her heart.

"Are you coming our not? We have a mission after all."

"Right," She said, shaking off her daze, "Let's get a move on."

As she walked beside me, I noticed that she was actually walking slightly ahead of me, her head held high, and a smile plastered on her face. Her confidence was finally back, and it forced me to give a smirk as well.

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