Chapter 20: Blonde Dragon and God Of The Sea

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*Y/n POV*

I was preparing for class with Glyn, grading papers, sorting things out, and coming up with lesson plans. Suddenly, I had a feeling that something was coming, right outside the wall.

I leapt over my desk and tackled Glyn to the ground behind her desk, as something came bursting through the wall.

"What was that?!" Glynda yelled.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Y/n." Yang's voice said, "Come out and fight!"

I looked out from under the desk, and saw Yang, her hair a flame and her eyes red. There seemed to be something off, as indicated by the tattoo on her neck.

 There seemed to be something off, as indicated by the tattoo on her neck

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"Yveltal." I said.

"Found you!" She yelled, shooting at the desk.

I picked Glynda up and jumped to a standing position, and ran out of the room. I ran down the hall, hearing explosions and yelling behind me.

I kept running, and ended up in front of Iris and Jaune.

"Run!" I yelled, running past.

They heard the explosions and followed behind me, running for our lives.

"Uncle Y/n!" Iris yelled, "What's going on!?"

"Yang's gone crazy!" I yelled, "She made a deal with Yveltal!"

We kept running, ending up hiding behind a flipped over table in the cafeteria, as I put Glynda down.

"Okay, here's the plan," I said, "I'm going to try to find a way to bring her to her senses. If she manages to kill me, I want you two to take her down."

"If she kills you!?" Iris yelled.

"Try not to kill her." I said, "I think she's just angry."

"Then what are you gonna do to stop her!?" Jaune yelled.

I looked at them all, seeing the terror in their eyes.

"I'm the god of harmony."

I leapt over the table, and ran at Yang, my bow appearing. I shot an arrow at her, purposely missing her. She turned to me, as I ran at her. My bow began to glow, transforming into my sword, as a jumped at her.

She simply punched me, sending me flying through the wall. I was knocked straight into the courtyard.

*Iris POV*

I watched, looking out the massive hole in the wall. Yang and Y/n were fighting, with Yang clearly winning.

Y/n wasn't even fighting, literally. He was only trying to dodge her attacks, not to hurt her.

I watched in terror, as Yang punched him again, knocking him into a wall. He fell to the ground, slumped over.

"NO!" I screamed.

"Iris," I heard Mom's voice, "Use my sword. Bring her to her senses. Save Y/n."

My bow, which was in my hand, began to glow, turning into a sword.

The Ho-oh on the hilt's eyes glowed, and I jumped down, holding the sword in my hand

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The Ho-oh on the hilt's eyes glowed, and I jumped down, holding the sword in my hand.

Yang turned her head to me, seeing me there. She stopped her assault on Y/n, and looked at me, seeming sad for a second, then neutral, then angry. She charged at me, swinging her fists at me.

"Yang!" I yelled, blocking her attack, "Calm Down!"


She hit my sword, sending me flying backwards. I swung the sword at her, launching a beam of flame at her. She jumped over the attack, and I ran at her, slicing horizontally. It hit her and she went flying, crashing into a tree.

I teleported in front of her and flipped, kicking her in the face. She grabbed my foot and threw me at a wall, knocking me down.

"Give up Yang!" Jaune yelled, running at her with his sword.

She simply punched him in the chest, sending him flying. He fell to the ground, as I sighed.

I pushed myself up, leaning on my sword.

"Yang..." I said weakly, "Please..."

She stopped for a second, her eyes going back to normal.

"Iris... I'm sorry..."

Her eyes went red again, and she charged at me, punching me in the gut.

I fell to the ground, rolling away from her. I heard gun shots and looked up, seeing Ruby firing at her.

"Yang! What are you doing!?"

Yang's eyes went back to normal, as she seemed to let out a tear.

"Ruby... Iris... No... I can't... hurt them..."

She put her hands on her head, and started shaking. She kept flinging her head back and forth, seemingly having an argument with herself.

"I won't hurt them!"

"You don't have a choice!"


"You made the deal! Ho-oh dies!"


She let out a terrifying scream, as she began to glow bright red. The scream turned demonic, as the glow got louder and louder.

There was a sudden burst of white energy, as tentacles of white light went from Y/n's chest to Yang's.

The glow died down, and Yang passed out.

"Yveltal's presence within her is... gone."

Y/n coughed up some blood, as he passed out.

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