Chapter 68: Escape The Imposters

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*Third Person POV*

Y/n and Kyogre were sent flying from the tunnel, slamming into the limestone pillar they were admiring earlier. Y/n look just above where his forehead had cracked the stone, seeing his own form looking down on him, as if mocking him.

He and Kyogre stood up weakly, leaning against the pillar for support. They turned to the tunnel entrance, seeing Arceus-Imposter and Groudon-Imposter slowly walked out of the tunnel. They disappeared for less than a second, and reappeared in front of the entrance, continuing to walk towards them.

Y/n and Kyogre charged at the two imposters, slashing and punching. Their attacks didn't seem to affect the two, their weapons merely passing through the ethereal forms.

The imposters sent the legends flying, to opposite sides of the temple ruins. Y/n slammed against the wall roughly, looking up to see Arceus-Imposter coming at him slowly.

Y/n noticed that as the imposter of his close friend came closer, he seemed to blink in and out. Following the blue light that shone down on the imposter, Y/n noticed a glowing blue spot on the wall.

Before he could attack, Y/n used protect to block a shot from Arceus-Imposter.

"Why do you still fight?" The imposter taunted, "You're going to lose either way."

"Exactly," Y/n responded, "If I'm gonna die, I want to go down swinging!"

Y/n stood quickly and rushed the imposter, running straight through him with sword. Y/n came out on the other side and changed his sword to his bow, pointing it at the blue spot. Before he could let loose an arrow, Arceus-Imposter let out a cry.

"NO!" He screamed, shooting Y/n in the chest.

Y/n fell to the ground with a grunt, landing on his back. Arceus-Imposter walked over to him and laughed, placing a weightless foot on Y/n's chest.

"See fool, you are finished."

"Far from it," Y/n retorted, "You've just shown me your weakness."

Y/n pulled out his bow and pointed it at Arceus-Imposter's head, preparing to fire. He let out one arrow, getting stopped by his magic. He quickly reeled back and fired another arrow, getting stopped again.

Arceus-Imposter was unable to stop the third arrow, which went straight through his head and flew toward the blue spot. He turned around in fear and attempted to  stop the arrow, but was much to slow, as the arrow pierce the blue spot, causing it to crack and the blue glow to die out.


He screamed, before his screams were cut off by nothing, as he disappeared into a shower of dust.

Y/n let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding, before a hand appeared in his face.

"Need some help?"

"Kyogre?" He asked, confused, "But... how'd you figure it out?"

"You're not the only one who can figure shit out, Y/n."

"But, I had this cool thing planned," He said dejectedly, "I was gonna come over and save the day... then we would both be heroes and defeat him together... now that's all ruined."

"Come on Y/n," She smirked, "Let's go home."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now