Chapter 67: Escape

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*Kyogre POV*

I hugged Groudon close to my chest. As I was crying into his shoulder, I felt his arms patting me on the back reassuringly. He was warm, and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic for better times.

"It's okay, it's okay," He assured, patting my back gently, "I'm here for you now."

"W-where have you been?" I stuttered and heaved, "I-I watched you..."

"Yes," He said, "But Lord Arceus saved me, and brought me here."

"Where" I asked, not letting go of him.

"This is Lord Arceus' personal vault," He answered, breaking the hug, "This is where all human knowledge from our time is kept."

He motioned at the room around us, at the bookshelves lining the walls, and at the paintings on the walls. Many of them are maps, perfect recreations of the regions of the Earth as we knew it. I felt something was off, but pushed the thought away.

"So, you two saved all the information of the world?"

"We got everything we could before it was destroyed," He explained, "There might have been a few things lost here and there, but nothing too major."

There's that feeling again. Damn it! I'm starting to feel like Y/n right now! What the hell is going on?!

"Kyogre, darling?" Groudon asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Hold up.

"What did you just call me?"

"Uhh," He froze, "Kyogre?"

"No, the other thing."


*Third Person POV*

Groudon turned to blue dust, as a table was launched through him. He reformed and turned to Kyogre, who's fists were glowing with a bright blue energy.

"Come on," He said, "What gave me away!?"

"Groudon never called me 'Darling'," Kyogre growled, "DAMN YOU BASTARD!"

She began to charge at the Groudon imposter, but was stopped as something was launched through a nearby wall. Y/n was flying through the limestone wall, landing on his stomach beside Kyogre. The Arceus imposter landed next to the Groudon imposter, floating through the hole in the wall.

"Damn, guess we've been found out," Arceus-Imposter growled, "Lord Yveltal won't be happy about this."

"He won't know if we make sure they're dead before he gets here," Groudon-Imposter smirked, "So let's just handle them here."

Kyogre raised her fist to fight, but stopped as Y/n grabbed the bottom of her dress.

"No, they can't be hit," Y/n stated weakly, standing up, "We have to... RUN!"

Y/n turned and began to run down the hallway they came from, closely followed by Kyogre. Arceus-Imposter growled, then pointed.


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