Chapter 14: Exposition

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*Y/n POV*

 I returned to Beacon later that day, and went immediately to my room to warn Celebi. He was sitting on the couch as I told him the news, and he began to cry.

He flew into my arms, and clung to me tightly.

"Don't worry Celebi," I comforted, "I'm going to defeat him, once and for all."

After that, we went to Ozpin's office, to warn him and telling him to prepare students for a war.

"Ozpin, we have bad news," I said, "You need to hear."

"What? What's going on?" He said scared.

"Yveltal has returned, and is looking for revenge."

His eyes went wide, and he fell back in his seat. He appeared to be speechless, so I spoke.

"Bring Teams RWBY and JNPR, as well as Iris," I said, "I need to speak to them."

After making an announcement on the loudspeakers, the a fore mentioned students came into the office, seeing us there.

"Uncle Y/n?" Iris said, "What's going on?"

"Uncle?" I questioned, "Never mind, we have bigger issues."

"What? Bigger issues than you?" Yang said under her breath.

"Actually, yes," I said, surprising them, "If he is planning what I think he is, Shadow Lugia will seem like a minor disturbance compare to his power."

"Who are you talking about?" Jaune asked.

"Yveltal, the artificial god of chaos." I said, "The one who killed S/n Ho-oh."

Iris gasped, and I rubbed my forehead.

"I never told you all what happened to Yveltal," I said, "The truth is, I could never defeat him."

"So, what did you do with him?" Pyrrah asked.

"Simply put, I locked him away," I explained, "I took him to the deepest part of the sea, using the last of my energy to put him in that prison. It caused me to lose all the energy I had, and then I had to go into hibernation, so I hid in my cave."

I walked to the window, and leaned on the window sill, looking out.

"I had always hoped never to have to deal with him again, at least not in my life," I said, "As selfish as it may seem, I was hoping to die, and leave him to be dealt with by the next generation."

I was nearly in tears, and I could feel myself shaking. I felt a hand place on my back, and turned to see Iris.

Who immediately slapped me.

"Shut up," She said, no, ordered, "That's not at all what you wanted. You're Lugia, God of the seas. You would not wish what you have been through on anyone. "

"Yes... that's true." I said, fixing my jacket, "Thank you, dear."

I walked back over to Ozpin's desk, as the book I had found in the vault appeared in my hands.

"This." I said, motioning the book, "This book tells me that we do have an advantage over him. Bu he knows this as well as I do."

"What is the advantage we have?" Ruby asked.

I just looked straight at Jaune, as everyone followed my view. He looked back at me, and pointed at himself.

"Me? W-what are you talking about!?"

I opened the book to the front cover, and began to read.

"This book is the personal diary of S/n Ho-oh, the first of many I plan to keep. I will leave these for Arceus and his studies."

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