Chapter 15: Blooming Romance

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author man here!

Okay, if you've been paying attention, you might have noticed some changes in my bnha x bendy male reader story. I decided to rewrite some of the earlier chapters. Don't worry, it won't really change much. I just felt like I needed to change them.

Anyway, see ya in another life Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

After class ended, I sat at my desk and opened S/n's diary once again, looking for anything that could help me defeat Yveltal. I have a feeling he's returned to his home in the Chaos Realm, a place he created himself.

"Found anything useful yet?" Glynda asked, walking into the room with a stack of papers.

"Nothing yet," I said, "I have learned how to bake a chocolate cake using Sacred Fire, so that's something."


"My sister loved to write." I said, "Sadly it doesn't seem like anything in this book is useful."

I put the book down on the desk and grabbed a stack of papers I have to grade, looking at the ceiling and rubbing my eyes.

"You should take a break," Glynda said, "If you're too tired, you won't be able to do much to help anyone."

"Thanks Glynda," I said, "But what am I gonna do to relax?"

"Hell if I know," She said bluntly, "I never get to relax. I always have papers to grade, or tests to prepare, or if I have to deal with students coming in for tutoring."

"Being a teacher sucks."

"You have no idea."

We sat in silence for a while, just grading papers. Most of these kids are stupid. After a while I just decided to break the silence.

"Hey, wanna go get dinner?" I asked.


"Yeah, why not?" I said, "It's Friday night, all our students are out on the town, who the hell cares if we don't finish grading? Plus it gives us a chance to relax."

She thought for a little bit, before saying, "Screw it, let's go."

We put our stuff down and walked out of the room, heading for the Bullheads. We hopped on and it flew into Vale, as we walked around town, looking for somewhere to eat.

"Hey, why not here?" She said, pointing a at a pub.

We went inside and the host sat us at a corner booth, as a waiter came up to us and took our orders.

Our drinks came after a few minutes, me a beer and her a wine. We began to drink and had a conversation.

"So, outside of class, what's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing," She answered simply, "Most of the time I'm dealing with grades, students, or other crap."

"That sucks." I said, taking a swig.

We just talked for a while, and the waiter brought us our food, and we continued our conversation, as we ate. After a while, we paid our tab and left the pub.

*Iris POV*

I was walking around Vale with Yang and Ruby, just hanging out, looking at weapons, dust stores, and Yang was checking out guys.

While Yang and Ruby were looking at weapons in a store, I walked outside to get some fresh air. I looked around the street, and I saw something I wasn't expecting.

Ms.Goodwitch and Uncle Y/n were walking out of a pub and down the street, talking and laughing with each other.

"Holy crap," I said to myself, "Goodwitch is gonna be my aunt."

*Y/n POV*

Glynda and I got back on a Bullhead, and returned to Beacon. I walked her to her room, which wasn't far from mine.

"Well Y/n," She said, turning back to me, "Thank you, for a lovely evening."

"Thank you for coming with me." I returned.

"Goodnight Y/n." She said.

She suddenly leaned forward and pecked my cheek. She then turned back into her room and closed the door.

"G-goodnight, Glynda." I stuttered.

I walked back to my room, and went to bed, smiling to myself.

*Yveltal POV*

"Cinder." I said.

"Yes, my lord." Cinder said, stepping forward.

"I would like you and your underlings to attack Lugia first." I said.

"Yes, lord Yveltal." She said, bowing.

"If you manage to, somehow, defeat him, or Iris Ho-oh, there will be a reward for you and your underlings."

"Thank you, my lord." She said, smiling, "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," I said, "Because if you do..."

My sword appeared out of midair, and I grabbed it, pointing it at her.

My sword appeared out of midair, and I grabbed it, pointing it at her

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"You will die."

She bowed and left the room in a hurry, as Salem walked up beside me.

"You know she will fail, don't you?"

I chuckled, "Of course she will. He is a god, she is human. I also have no intention of keeping her around, so consider this an excuse to get her... out of the picture."

"I like that," She said, "It's so... powerful."

I looked at her, and she gave me a "I want it" look.

"Well then," I said, wrapping my arm around her, "Why don't I show you how powerful I can be."

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