Chapter 76: Journey Is

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*Third Person POV*

Yang and Jaune charged at each other, as Iris fired volley after volley of arrows at her. The arrows caught fire in air, striking Yang in flaming explosions.

Yang ignored the blasts, not affected in the slightest, as she charged toward Jaune with murder in her eyes. As they neared each other, she raised her fists and swung at him. Jaune parried the attack with his shield and then swung his sword at her torso.

Yang quickly back flipped out of the way, firing a shell at Jaune. The shot exploded into a burst of flame, engulfing Jaune. When the flames died down, his aura was majorly damaged.

He fell to one knee, as Yang charged at him once more. Before she could swing her fist again, Iris launched through the air with her wings, and tackled Yang to the ground. Iris grabbed her by the arm and shot into the sky, throwing her upwards.

Yang redirected herself with her gauntlets, launching towards Iris. She slammed her fist into Iris' face, sending her flying back down into the roof of the dorm building, which was already going up in flames.

Iris fell through the floors of the building, flying past rapidly evacuating students as the building burned to the ground. Yang came flying down after, propelling herself downward after her adopted sister.

Yang landed on top of Iris and created a massive crater, before throwing her through the wall and back out into the courtyard. Iris landed on the concrete path of the courtyard, her sword falling and impaling the ground a few feet away.

Iris, blood leaking from a gash on her forehead, pushed herself up weakly, only for Yang to grabbed her neck and lift her up, cutting off her wind pipe.

"Today you die, Ho-oh." Yang said, pulling her fist back.

Yang brought her fist into Iris' face, attempting to murder her. Before she could end her life, something hit her from the side, sending her launching off to the side.

A massive formation of ice occupied the space where Yang once stood, Articuno and Weiss standing at the source of the ice.

"You okay, Iris?" Articuno said, running over to her cousin, "Moltres and Zapdos are overhead right now, looking for our old man. Everyone else is helping evacuate the school."

"We should leave, now," Weiss said, "Grimm are bound to come soon, if Yveltal doesn't kill us all first."

"You're right, but..."

Iris looked back to where Yang's knocked out body was laying, cold on the ground.

"We can worry about her another day," Articuno said, "For now, she's Yveltal's."

"Speaking of which, where is-"

Weiss was cut off by a massive explosion coming from the direction of Y/n's classroom, a tornado of red energy and rapid winds. As the tornado died down, leaving the destruction of the school building in its wake, rain began to fall from the black clouds above.

Two hulking forms sot from the destroyed school building, Lugia and Yveltal shooting up into the sky to continue their combat.

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