Chapter 23: Atlas Part 2

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*Y/n POV*

I sat in the Bullhead across from General Ironwood and Winter, my scarf and goggles around my neck.

"So Y/n," Winter said, "You're millions of years old?"

"Possibly," I responded, "I'm not entirely sure. I was asleep, it might have been billions, even trillions of years."

"But you don't know?" Ironwood said.

"No, the only thing I know for sure is that Yveltal destroyed the moon, Earth became Remnant, and the world I knew is gone."

"Wait. Who is Yveltal?" Ironwood asked.

"Right, you guys probably haven't been told," I said, "Yveltal is an evil, human made god that attempted to destroy the world, and succeeded in killing all gods except for me and a deity, my brother Celebi."

"Excuse me," Winter said, "But you said he was human made?"

"Yes." I said, "A power hungry man attempted to play god, and ended up killing himself. It should be a lesson to humans, that no amount of power is worth such a terrible cost."

I saw Winter and Ironwood lock eyes, as if there was something I didn't know. I'll have to play it safe with these two.

"You said he destroyed the moon?"

"Yes, a byproduct of our fight," I answered, "A few stray beams, a sword sliced in the wrong direction, bada bing bada boom, moon explodes."

Ironwood let out a grunt, and I crossed my arms, leaning back.

These two are truly suspicious. I sense that he is a lot like Lysandre, hot headed and arrogant, unknowing of the consequences of his actions. That alone created it's own problems, but he shouldn't have enough power to do any of the stuff Lysandre did.

As for her, I sensed that she was just a pawn. An unwilling player, one who hated and regretted her actions. She didn't want to go with this plan, but she must, for the punishment is too great.

I was still deep in my thoughts, as the Bullhead started to shake.

"What the hell is this?" I said.

"Don't worry," Winter said, "It's just the snow. Happens whenever we bring a Bullhead into this weather. Give it a minute, you'll get used to it."

"What's wrong?" Ironwood asked, "God never seen bad weather?"

I chuckled, "Boy, you have no idea who you speak to. I am the god of harmony, but the nicest people have the greatest limits. At my angriest, I have become an uncontrollable beast, known as Shadow Lugia. I have caused hurricanes that humans could not measure, destroyed cities, and flooded continents. Bad weather doesn't scare me."

He shut up quickly after that. I decided to close my eyes, and get some rest.


I opened my eyes, as the Bullhead touched down. The door slowly opened, sending snow flying in.

I grabbed my goggles and slipped the over my eyes, slipping my gloves on my hands.

I followed Ironwood and Winter out into the storm, and across the snowy runway. We walked over to a building, and walked inside, as I removed my goggles and gloves.

Inside, there were scientists running to and fro, exchanging notes, adjusting machines, and doing all kinds of crap. I looked at the machine they were working on, and saw tubes, wires, and a massive tube, where a person could be placed and be hooked up to the machine.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Ironwood said, "What you need to see is this way."

He lead away from the suspicious machine, and led me into a different room. It was a strategy room, and there were pictures laid out on the table. They were marked with a date, all around the same time a week ago.

"This cave is where we tracked the pictures, this cave is in a mountain a few miles north from here." Winter explained.

I looked at the picture, seeing the markings around the cave entrance.

"We've had our best scientists, linguists, historians, and even our doctors, look at them," Ironwood said, "But we don't know what it translates to."

"It's a warning," I said, "It's faint, but it warns that whoever disturbs the tomb will die."

"Woah," Winter exclaimed, "So whatever is in there must be important."

"Yes. But since it's written in my language, it's ancient. Most likely very dangerous." I said, "I'll go alone."

"Wait, that's dangerous," Ironwood said, "We'll send soldiers with you, but you can just leave them outside. Just to be safe."

I looked at him suspiciously, sensing that something was going on.

"Okay. Prepare your soldiers immediately. We leave in two hours."

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