Chapter 50: Reunited Part 2

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*Y/n POV*

I stood on the roof of Beacon, looking out at the world. It was truly peaceful, despite what was really happening.

I smiled, as I recognized people below me. Celebi and Nora were having a pancake eating contest, as Jaune, Pyrrah, and Ren cheered them on. Iris and her father, Gold, were sitting on a bench, laughing and chatting, as fathers and daughters should do. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres were playing around with each other, throwing around some type of ball, enhanced by their own elements. Everything they do seems to become some type of competition, and this seemed no different.

I noticed that Blake and Yang were watching them, and Zapdos appeared to notice them as well. Upon seeing Blake, I could tell his face got bright red, and he missed the flaming ball that was headed right for his face.

Ruby was just running between groups, seemingly enjoying the mid-afternoon activities.

"So, this is where you're hiding?"

Kyogre walked up next to me, and stood there overlooking the world with me. It truly reminded me of a day years ago, when we had first met.


I stood on top of the clouds, looking down on my oceans. Arceus called me up here to tell me about something, but walked off when I got here.

As I watched boats and people move around my ocean, I felt a smile cross my face as children and their parents played around.

"Y/n, I'm back."

I stood up and turned towards Arceus and the young girl standing behind him. She walked out in front of him, and bowed.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Lugia." She said.

I repaid her bow with my own, "My name is Y/n, there is no need to refer to me as 'lord'."

We both stood up straight, and Arceus laughed.

"You're both so similar," He chuckled, "You'll work well together."

"Ah, so this is my new partner," I said, turning towards Kyogre, "I hope you understand you'll be controlling most of the sea, as I have to focus on my storms."

"Yes sir," She said, "I won't let you down."

{Flashback Over}

I chuckled to myself, and looked over at Kyogre.

"We've come so far," I said, "Yet we're still the same."

"Yes, we are..."

I heard her voice trail off, and looked over to see her playing with the ring on her finger. I knew who gave her the ring, a good friend of mine.

"He'd be proud of what we've done," I said, "And he'd want you to be happy."

"He gave his life for me," She said, her eyes closed tightly to fight back tears, "G-Groudon... h-he was the love of my life. A-and I let him die..."

"Be quiet," I ordered, grabbing her in a hug, "He'd never want to hear you speak like that. He loved you, and gave his life so you'd survive. So that's what we should do. Survive. In order to honor his memory and wishes."

She looked up at me, her blue eyes shining with tears.

"T-thank you, Y-y/n."

*??? POV*

I kicked the guards one more time, making sure they were knocked out completely. I can't let them go tell...him... about this. If he learns, I'll just ruin my mission.

I'll get you, you bastard. For all my years you've stolen, all my power, my friends. My family.

"For Y/n."

I clutched my harp in my hands, and began to strum a simple melody, as a green glow enveloped my body.

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