Chapter 49: Reunited

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*Y/n POV*

I opened my eyes, seeing that I was floating through nothing. There was nothing but black around me, and I could sense that something was watching me.

"You thought you were free of me," A voice said, "You thought you killed me."

I tried to talk back, turn, move, do anything, but I found that I was paralyzed. Unable to move any part of my body, I felt fear slowly begin to creep up my spine.

A shadowy figure began to come towards me, creeping out of the shadows. The fear in my body began to increase, as whoever it was came closer and closer. He finally appeared fully in view, and I noted his features.

He was hunched over, covered in a dark cloak. He held out an arm, covered in dark blue and red veins, scorched as if it had been burned before.

I struggled to move, but my paralysis didn't fade. The man got closer and closer, not stopping or slowing.

"You can not defeat me," He said, "I am immortal. Everlasting... the darkness hidden in one's heart, and I shall always be there."

He reached out and grabbed my arm, causing an immense pain to shoot through my body. I still could not squirm or struggle, and the pain became unbearable.

"Still yourself," He 'comforted', "Accept your death to the darkness."

Right as I began to get swallowed by darkness, a bright light came out of nowhere. It encompassed everything, curing my paralysis and alleviating the pain. The man let go of my arm, and screamed, stepping away.

"AAAUUGGHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled, "The light! It burns!"

I felt weak, and looked up to the light. With a sort of sixth sense, I could tell exactly what or who it was.

*Iris POV*

I sat next to Uncle Y/n's bed, as we watched him squirm and sweat in his sleep. I was afraid, I have no idea what's happening with him or what to do. All I could do was grab his hand and hold tight.

"Dad!" Articuno yelled, holding his other hand, "Please, snap out of it!"

"Uncle Y/n," I said quietly, "Please, I need you."

I began to cry, tears slowly streaming down my face. I held his hand to my forehead, and my tears began to fall onto his face.


We all looked at Y/n, who had stopped moving. He was looking at me, his eyes cracked open and his grip as strong as ever.

"S/n..." He repeated, "No... Iris... why are you... crying?"

He placed a hand on my cheek, and I held his hand there. I began to cry tears of joy, as he smiled at me.

"Dear," He said, "Thank you."

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now