Chapter 51: Reunited Part 3

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*Third Person POV*


Iris screamed, as everyone watched in horror. Y/n was turned towards them, and could not see the blade that was swinging towards him.

Yveltal grinned, feeling his victory coming. Billions of years led to this very moment, when he finally killed Y/n Lugia.

Y/n turned quickly, raising his blade to defend himself. He was too slow, as the blade came closer and closer to his neck.

When suddenly, there was a flash of green light.


Y/n walked through the halls of Beacon, as the sun began to poke through the clouds. It was early morning, and the students would be going to Glynda's class in a few minutes.

Y/n had a gentle smile on his face, as he carried a cup of coffee with him. He walked into Glynda's classroom, and was greeted by Glynda and Winter, preparing the day's lesson.

Winter had come to join the two in teaching the combat classes. Often times if Y/n had to leave for any reason, Winter usually took over. In more ways than one, she was more an assistant teacher than he was.

"Hello Dears," He greeted, walking into the room, "What are the plans for today?"

"Sparring," Glynda said, pecking his cheek, "Good morning, Handsome."

Winter came up next and kissed his other cheek, "Good morning, darling."

They embraced for a second, and then sat at their desks, as Y/n picked up a stack of papers. These were tests that the students had taken last week, and he still had to grade them. He began to mark down grades, smiling as he reached Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Iris'. It didn't take long to grade them, as they were mostly perfect. Yang's was the lowest, barely passing at a C.

"Yang needs to start paying attention in class," He said, "Won't be long until she falls below a C."

"You know Yang," Glynda said, "She thinks were her fists, not her head."

"I know from personal experience," Y/n said, rubbing his arm, "Still have the bruises."

They all chuckled, and then the bell rang. A few minutes later, students began to walk into the room. It was first period, meaning that none of Team RWBY, JNPR, or Iris were there. Y/n did manage to see a specific student, who had white hair poking out from under his hoodie. He couldn't see the face of the student, but he felt a dark aura.

"Take a seat students," Glynda ordered, standing in front of them, "Today, we're going to spar, one on one."

She got the children ready, and eventually they began to spar. While first period was the fourth years, and usually held the most interesting battle, Y/n couldn't remove his eyes from the strange hoodie student. The student seemed to radiate a dark aura, one that felt very powerful.

It wasn't long until the bell rang, and class let out. The students left, and Y/n turned his attention back to the tests. He couldn't keep his mind off the student, until the PA system came on.

"Will Y/n, Ms.Goodwitch, and Ms.Winter come to the office please. This is an emergency."

The three exchanged glances, and stood up, quickly grabbing what they needed to go. They ran into the hallway, and towards the elevator.

Tranquil Seas: A Male Reader x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now