16: "careful!"

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"hey dyl!" justin grinned when he saw me get out of the car. i waved bye to brendon and ran over. we high fived and raced into the bowling alley. me and justin had been friends for three month now. we hung out every saturday and grew closer.

we got some bowling shoes and bowled to our hearts content. then after an hour justin suggested we got pizza. me and justin headed out and went to cross the street. he went forward as a taxi was zooming towards us. i gasped.
"careful!" i pulled him back quickly.

we both paused. he turned to me.
"did you just speak?" he asked, shocked. we both smiled.
"i-i did" i laughed a little.
"dude, im so happy for you!" he grinned. "lets go get some pizza!"
we ran to dominos and got ourselves some food. and we had our first proper conversation. it was so nice. he insisted on walking me to brendons car when he came to pick me up.

brendon spotted us and grinned when he saw that we were talking. we did our hand shake and walked our separate ways. i i got into the car and brendon started driving.
"you guys talk now!?" he exclaimed.
"yeah" i grinned.
"dope" we fist bumped and he turned the music up.

we got home and i saw justin wanted to facetime. i clicked answer and went to put my bag away.
"we can facetime now!" he exclaimed.
"yay!" i laughed.

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