5: "good morning"

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i turned the stove off and put brendons plate on the table. a bowl of strawberries were in the middle. i poured myself some cereal and heard brendon.

"strawberry, what are you doing?" i heard him yawn and come downstairs only in his boxers. "good morning" i said. brendon paused and looked at me.
"did you just-" he pointed to my mouth.
"yeah..." i smiled a little.

he smiled too.
"that was so pretty" he ruffled my hair and sat opposite me.
"it sounds weird...i haven't used it in months" i spoke, pointing to my throat.
"well you have the most beautiful voice ever so im glad im the one to hear it" he said kindly.
"strawberry?" i took one out of the bowl and offered him it.
he smiled and took it. "thank you"

"so" we were sitting on the couch. i was drinking orange juice and he had beer. "when i was younger" i cleared my throat a bit. "i went through a lot. you know of it...and when my mom died and i was sent to a home. i was mute and i have ptsd. from all the...trauma" i struggled to speak. brendon put his arm round me.
"take it slow" he advised me. i nodded.

"i made a friend and she was the first person i'd spoken to in ages. i had a group of friends at my old school too. they made me feel...comfortable and uh i eventually grew to trust them. but i kept getting moved" i took a sip of my drink. "i finally got to stay in la when i was 9. i made a new friend but she got adopted ages ago. so i haven't...said anything for 9 months till now"

wow. that was a lot.

"your life sucked" he said. i laughed.
"yeah. it did. now its better" i replied.
he smiled. "does it still effect you? all that shit?" he asked.
i nodded. "before it was really really bad. it still effects me but not as bad as it did before" i replied.
"do you get nightmares and stuff?" he pondered.
i nodded. "yeah, but i know how to deal with then. i had one on my first night here" i explained.

"that breaks my heart" he said honestly. "please don't let it. you're so nice" i begged. "you're really kind, y'know" he smiled and kissed my head. "and i may drink a lot but i promise i haven't got a problem" he added.

"i believe you" i said.

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