64: "i know how tough this is"

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"and i was like 'c'mon my lesbian princess. i don't like homophobes'"
brendon laughed. "i wish i was there to see that" he exclaimed.
"it was cool" i grinned
it was the next day brendon was streaming and i'd asked to join him. it felt easier to talk to a camera or phone than to people.




Jessica is so lucky!

a comment caught my eye.
But you are sinning...
i read the comment out.
"okay did i ask?" i replied.
brendon signalled me to leave. he knew i was upset and that i'd go in a rampage. i got up and quickly left. i got to my room and bursted into tears. i knew i shouldn't have read that comment but it made me so upset. i got cruel people saying that i was faking it. i just wanted attention. i thought it was a trend. i'd been hiding myself for seven years
and now i've come out its been terrible.

"dylan? its me" i wiped my eyes and opened the door. "that was stupid"
"i know. im stupid" i said.
"no! no no, the comment was!"
"im just sick of it brendon! this is me a-and suddenly im faking it! or i want attention! its so freaking stupid! the amount of people calling me a sinner!"
"okay, okay i get it. i do"
"no you really don't!" i pushed past him and ran down the stairs.

"dylan! just hear me out! okay...i'm pansexual. i-i didn't care about labels before but...its who i am, y'know. ive been called all these slurs growing up...i know what its like to be shamed." he said. he was right...also what the heck my dad just came out to me.
"i just wish it could all end" i whispered. "also im proud of you"
"it will. i promise...and thanks"

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