71; "CALL THEM!"

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tw hospital

brendon came upstairs. "dude what the fuck-oh my god dylan!" he rushed over to me. he grabbed one of my t shirts from my bed and wrapped my wrist in it. "dude call 911" he said to justin who had froze. "CALL THEM!" brendon roared. justin jumped and ran out the room, dialling. brendon held me close, tears in his eyes. "you're gonna be okay darling" he said as he looked into my empty, lifeless eyes.

i sat in the hospital bed staring into space. my wrist had a bandage on it. brendon was sitting on that side, his hand in mine. justin was on the other, crying his eyes out. the doctor pulled brendon aside to talk to him.

"im so glad you're alive. i know that sounds so cliche but really i am" he wiped his tears. i turned to him.
"it was so hard" i whispered. "walking in there. people looking at me. remembering things. i was so scared" i started to cry. "i cant live like this"
he got up and hugged me. "don't worry. i thought of a plan. you're not going back there" he said to me.

i was about to ask what it was when jessica ran inside.
"dylan" she sobbed, running over and hugging me. "i was so scared. im so glad you're okay" she cried. she pulled away. "im always going to be here for you. okay, beautiful? you mean the world to me" she wiped my tears and hugged me again.
"thanks" i replied.

brendon came back and jessica released.
"i'll go get you a snack" she gave me a quick hug and left the room and justin followed her. brendon sat down.
"are you okay?" he asked. i shrugged and rubbed my eyes and patted the space next to me. he sat on it ans wrapped his arms round me gently.

"well that was the scariest moment of my life" he said. "you don't have to tell me now. you tell me when you're ready" he added. i nodded. "but you're gonna be here for another two days and then we gotta visit your therapist okay?" i nodded again. "i love you so much. don't ever leave me" he kissed my head and let me snuggle into his arms.

"im really sorry for pressuring you. i promise next time i'll wait till you're ready" he said.
"im sorry" i whispered.
"dont be. you went through a lot and. its not easy to recover" he pointed out. i buried my face into his chest and slowly fell asleep.

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