12: "you gotta tell him"

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me and justin have been texting for a month now. he was pretty cool. he went to the local school and was in the drama club. we never facetimed or called. i always made excuses because i was too afraid to tell him the truth.

today me and brendon were eating lunch when justin called. i declined it quickly and brendon sighed.
"you know you gotta tell him soon" he said.
"i know but...what if he dosent like me anymore after i tell him?" i worried.
"then he's a dick who dosent deserve you" he reached across the table and squeeze my hand. "just try and text him now"

me: can i tell u something?

justin: sure

me: promise u wont be angry

justin: promise

me: i lied. i didn't lose my voice. im a mute (kinda).

justin: wait wdym kinda?

me: i went through a lot when i was younger and have ptsd and an anxiety disorder. i became a mute due to all the trauma but when i get comfortable w ppl i have the courage to talk.

me: i only talk to my dad rn

justin: you could have just told me

me: i didn't think we'd become friends

me: are you mad?

justin: no not at all! im sad that i only just found out bc i would have wanted to be there for you more yaknow? but its okay, i know now.

justin: i appreciate u telling me. i wont call or anything. and we can hang out whenever.

me: really? :D

justin: yeah. wb this weekend we see a movie?

i showed brendon my phone.
"go ahead" he grinned. i did too.

me: yessss! saturday at 2??

justin: see you then ;))

i put my phone down.
"i got plans saturday" i smiled.
"aww! you got a new best friend that you can hang out with!" brendon put his arm round me.
"he's not my best friend. that slot is taken" i corrected him.
"by jake?" he teased me.
"by you, dingus" i laughed.

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