8: "im not mean"

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tw sexual assault

"hey where are you strawberry?"

"here!" i crawled out from my closet.
"what are you doing?" he asked, kneeling down beside me.
"making a fort. it failed"
"sucks to be you" he said, standing up.
"yeah...whats up?" i got up too.
"i have to go to court"
"brendon you said the weed was legal!"
"it is! i have to be part of the jury for a child sexual assault case"
"damn" that must be hard for him.
"yeah. i mean i gotta do my civil duty"
"agreed" i gave him a little hug.

"so...zacks coming over to watch you"
zack!? really!? "what about jake?"
"he lives is portland" he said.
"nicole?" i suggested hopefully.
"do you not like zack?" he asked.
"no...he's just a bit...intimidating"
"yeah i know but he's cool" he saw my face. "you gonna miss me?" he asked. i nodded. "you'll be okay" he gave me a hug.

zack came over and i sat in my room reading. before brendon left i ran to the door to say bye. i whispered him a good luck and he went.

i went back to my room and sat on the floor cross legged reading my book. zack knocked on my door.
"brendon asked me to watch you. so...im watching" he said. i didn't look up. i felt a little uncomfortable.
zack sighed. "i promise im not mean. okay, i may be an asshole when people piss me off but..."

i typed away on my phone.

ur scary :/

"yeah i look scary as fuck apparently"
i nodded.
"but i wont hurt you or anything" he said. i shrugged and got my laptop out.
"you actually think i'd hurt you?" he asked.

u look like my dad. when i see u i remember stuff .

"oh sorry i didn't know" he said.
it's okay, you didn't i typed.
"well im nothing like him. i dont know what he did but he sounds like a dick"
he was

"you wanna watch netflix? theres a new show that im dying to watch"
i had to at least try. we went downstairs and he selected Insatiable.
half way through the first episode i typed this show sucks.
"agreed" he sighed and turned it off. i took the remote and selected end of the fucking world.

we actually got through the whole of season 1. it was really good. brendon came back looking stressed.
"how'd it go?" zack asked.
"i don't even wanna talk about it" he looked really upset.

zack left and brendon went to smoke a joint. he stood outside rubbing his temples. he looked really sad - it was kinda heartbreaking. he spotted me looking at him and gestured for me to come. i opened the door and went outside.
"the whole time i was thinking of you" he said. "it was horrible. it was disgusting. and then i just started thinking about you and if it was your situation i was dealing with"
"but you did your civil duty. you did what was right" i pointed out.
he sighed. "i guess...were you and zack hanging out?"
"kinda. he's...okay" i said.

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