75: "be you"

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"im so done with math!" amelia exclaimed, throwing her pen across the room. i ran to retrieve it and pulled my chair closer to here. i did the sum for her and showed her how to do the rest. "you are such a legend" she grinned. i smiled and we high fived.

"i don't get how your so good at math!" jamie walked over, seeing what we'd done. i shrugged shyly.
"how you doing by the way?" he asked. i signalled "alright" with my hand.
lhey. im here for you" he air spudded me and the three of us laughed. well i just grinned - but it felt good.

then there was a knock at the door. the principles assistant walked in.
"dylan urie? your dads here to pick you up" why was brendon here?" i waved by to my friends and packed up my stuff.
"bye dylan!" random people yelled. i grinned and waved, running out the door.

brendon was in the main office holding a small bouquet of lilies. i scoffed and walked over. he got up when he saw me.
"these are for you miss" he handed me them. "you're so cheesy" i giggled.
"hey, you love me" he warned.
"i do"

"so whats happening?" i asked.
"we're hanging out. my flights at 10 so we have...8 hours to have as much fun as we can" he gave me the aux chord and i played hayley kiyoko girls like girls. he laughed.
"you're such a lesbian" he said as he reversed.
"thats the first time anyones ever called me that!" i smiled gleefully.
"well im glad it was me who said it"

he drove us to the mcdonalds drive thru and got me an ice cream. then he took me to the park. we had a deep as crap talk on the swings. i told him a bit about school too and how it was going really well. then i told him about my mom finding out about me being gay.

"i had pictures of girls under my bed" i giggled. "it was so stupid. i was seven and was looking at boobs online. but normal because sierra used to do that too...apparently a lot of lesbians do that. anyway, she saw my hidden flag too and tore it and beat the crap out of me and called me...awful stuff. and then she said if i ever did anything 'sinful' she'd murder me. so i stayed closeted, but i told molly after a while. she told no one as its my sexuality and its no one else's business. but i said nothing at all"

"that must have been so scary"
"it feels good to be out though"
"yeah. you're free. you're happier"
"way happier" i agreed, swinging gently.
we went home and i got into some comfortable clothes (a panic! at that disco sweater, leggings and ankle socks) and put my bag away. i went back downstairs to see brendon had a wrapped present in his hand. "i
"think you're gonna have a lot of fun with it when im away" he handed me it.
"brendon you didn't have to!"
"well i wanted to. open it!"

so i did. "no way!" it was a ukulele with a little pride flag painted on it.
"jessica's brother is going to teach you"
"brendon this is amazing!" i got up and hugged him.
"careful" he moved me aside and picked it up. "i'll go hang this up. you select a movie"

he left the room and i chose love, simon. there were snacks on the table too. i sat down and waited. he came back and sat next to me. we were both bawling our eyes out by the end, holding each other.

i cleaned myself up then went to help him tidy. after that we sat on the couch looking at memories. from the day he picked me up till now. he got a bit emotional.
"when i first saw you, you looked like the most scared, hurt person ever. now i look at you and im just so happy that you trust me" he said.
i hugged him. "45" i counted.
he laughed. "you really have been counting"

i went to put the lilies in some water then went back downstairs to play video games. i sucked at fortnite but mario kart was my shit. we played that for a while then brendon said we were going to the mall. we went into target and went to the flags. he picked up a rainbow pride one.
"here" he handed it to me. "i think its about time you got one"
"yeah. you deserve it" i was about to say something but he cut me off. "for years you wanted to come out and have a girlfriend and love her and you finally can. you're free to be you. so..." he put it in my hand. "i know you want it"
i kid you not i burst into tears. my dad laughed and hugged me.


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