44: "i love you best friend"

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"are you okay?" i asked. he shook his head. "ever since we stopped hanging out...i've been less happy. you know im usually some smiling little shit" he said. i nodded. "not anymore"

"i've missed you too. crying - no surprise there" i shrugged.
"its weird not hanging with you on saturdays or calling you during the week. and it sucks" he sat up. "i know we cant ever be together. but that dosent mean i don't want you in my life" he said.
"that makes me so happy" i said.
"and i can be your wingman" he added. i laughed and hugged him. he hugged me back. "i love you best friend" he said.
"i love you too" i replied.

i invited him back to my place and spilled all the tea on sierra. he listened inventively and smiled as i babbled on. brendon came upstairs and saw us laughing and smiled.
"you guys want some snacks?" he asked, drinking his beer.
"sure" me and justin went downstairs and snacked on oreos. it was so good to be with him again.

"so...you wanna hang out on saturday?" he asked.
"yes!" i yelled. i put my hands over my mouth and we both laughed. "lets go see a movie"

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