21: "is that sarah?"

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"hey again strawberry!" brendon was smiling so much. i was sitting at table the eating. "i got you a present" he sat next to me.
"you didn't have too" i sniffled, smiling. i was feeling like shit...yeah.

"i did though" he put an envelope on the table. "open it" he said kindly.
i did. and screamed.
"holy crap!" i jumped onto brendon and hugged him. "i cant believe you did this!"

inside was two tickets to see ariana grande on her sweetener tour! which was TONIGHT.

"of course i did!" he laughed.
"you are the best dad ever. i know thats cliche but its facts"
"well you better get changed then. sadly vip was sold out" he sounded bummed.
"who gives a crap? c'mon lets go!"
"slow down!" he laughed. "its not until seven o clock" i was way too excited.
"go have a shower, get dressed and i'll bring the girls over to help"
"yes oh my god!" i hugged him again and ran upstairs. "THANK YOU" i yelled.

i never yell to be honest...wow.

i had a shower and listened to ariana grande. then i got ready into my ariana sweater, blue jeans and old skool vans.
"they're waiting for you!" brendon called from downstairs. i ran to my room and saw the girls waiting for me.
"you excited?" kiara asked. i turned the music up and grinned.

she blowdried my hair and slightly curled it. leah did my nails while desiree put glitter on my cheeks and up near my forhead. mascara was applied onto my eye lashes and my brows were brushed.

"shes ready!" they opened the door and brendon walked in.
"you look adorable...thanks you guys" he smiled. i went red and they awed. "i gotta do some work. see you in a few hours" he ruffled my hair and headed downstairs.
"brendon!" kiara exclaimed and neatened my hair.  they took me out for bubble tea afterwards. i felt comfortable around them. they were so nice - they talked amongst themselves while i listened.

"i think that its a good thing"
"i just don't get why some people are mad"
"yeah. its pretty stupid"
"its because they're used to guys"
"i get that totally"
"but its annoying that they have an issue"
"they're delusional idiots" i said, sipping my tea.

the three beautiful ladies turned to look at me. "what did you say?" leah asked.
"they're delusional idiots" i replied.
"wait. you're comfortable around us?" desiree smiled.
i nodded. "you're cool"
they were all really happy. then the subject was changed and we all talked.

it was now four o clock. they dropped me home and headed off for rehearsals. brendon was in the studio. i texted him. if he didn't reply that meant he was live streaming. then justin and me decided to facetime for a bit.

"woah" he said when he saw me.
"brendons taking me to an ariana grande concert today!" i grinned.
"thats awesome!" he exclaimed.
"yeah so i look...like this"
"you look beautiful" i went red.

we talked some more then i went to get a snack. brendon had finished and was now inside eating a sandwich. he made me one too and insisted i sat down with him.

"you excited?" he asked.
"very" i smiled. he did too.
"the girls told me what happened"
"they did?" i pretended to be shocked.
"im so proud of you" he finished his food and put his plate in the dishwasher. i smiled and finished my food.

at 6pm we headed to the venue. i made brendon wear an ariana grande wristband.
"if we see any fans then act like you're not with me" he said. i nodded. "sorry about this" he felt guilty.
"its okay. i get it" i really did.
some fans did come over to him and he said he was waiting for a friend. i typed away on my phone acting like i didn't know what was going on but soon it was time to go in.

we had really good places. a brown haired girl stood next to brendon along with a blonde. i recognised them but i didn't know how. brendon was trying to keep me distracted. it was really crowded.
then it hit me. i tapped brendon.
lis that sarah?" i mouthed. he looked to the right.
"sarah??" she turned to us.
"oh my god i know you two!" it was her. brendons eyes lit up. he was squeezing my hand nervously. "we saw you at the mall"

and they got talking. we found out that her friend recently told her she was a fan of panic! and she was single and had been for a while now. her and her friend linda were huge ariana fans and decided to see her live.
"dylans a huge fan too. i got her tickets and didn't tell her till today" brendon said.
"thats the sweetest!" brendon had a little more confidence this time. sarah asked if i was okay and i let brendon tell her.
"shes a mute. once she gets comfortable around a person she talks to them. so far she talks to six people" he sai.
"shes doing amazing" i felt a bit proud of myself.

and soon the show started. as soon as i saw ariana i bursted into tears. brendon laughed at me and so did sarah and linda.
"don't cry yet. theres more to come" brendon grinned.
i mouthed to all the songs while brendon, sarah and linda sang. brendon took my hands and danced with me too and sarah took some photos for us so kindly. when one last time came on i could barely see and was really upset. but guess what? brendon lifted me onto his shoulders! and ARIANA POINTED AT ME.

"you with the glitter! i love you so so much!" she spoke into her mic as the last chorus was coming. i started to cry again and i made a heart with my hands and she blew me a kiss.
"i've never seen her this happy" brendon said to sarah.
"you're the reason why shes happy"

the concert ended and we made our way out of the arena. i was crying my eyes out and brendon was holding my hand and comforting me. outside the venue we got more photos. and brendon posted them. it was one of me and him hugging, me still crying.

@brendonurie: Eight months ago i adopted a awesome girl. People said to me "She's a mute! You won't manage!" Here we are now. She talks to me, trusts me and just had the best night of her life. Adopting Dylan was the best choice I've made in years. I love you my little strawberry. You make so happy❤️ @dylanurie

"well. everyone knows now" he said, wiping my tears.
"you've done an amazing job. the last time i saw her she was so quiet and scared. now she looks so happy" sarah said to brendon. i nodded and hugged him.
"thanks sarah" he smiled at her, lust in his eyes.

i pulled at brendons arm and whispered in this ear,
"ask her". he turned to sarah.
"i know this is a lot to ask but...would you like to hang out sometime?" he asked.
"i'd love to!" she exclaimed.
they exchanged numbers and we headed home. i thanked brendon for the amazing night as i fell asleep.

strawberries | brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now