73: "do i have to go?"

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"good morning!" brendon screamed. i jumped out of my skin and off my bed and we both laughed. "im leaving tomorrow night. and you start your new school today" he said.
"do you have to go?" i asked.
"yes i do. its only three weeks. you'll be okay" he assured me.
"oh yeah because both you and sarah are gonna be in australia and new zealand for ten days" i said bluntly.

"about that..." he opened my door to reveal justin on the floor with a suitcase. "dude" brendon looked at him. he turned to me. "you're staying with justin" he said.
"wait really!?" i exclaimed, getting off the floor.
"yup. then when sarahs back shes going to take care of you" he grinned. i ran and hugged him. "thanks!" i then went to help justin off the floor.

after breakfast both boys came to take me to school. i was actually feeling pretty good. the kids there were like me...i could do this. i hugged brendon and he wished me luck. justin walked me in. he knew EVERYONE..i mean his aunt did own the place. he took me to the main office to get my schedule and and locker info. then to my homeroom. he gave me a hug and said he'd call me.

i was really worried when he left.
would i be okay?

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