57: "lets embrace it"

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"brendon!" i ran into the house. he wasn't here!


i ran outside and banged on the studio door. "brendon! brendon! brendon!"
"what!?" he opened the door looking frustrated, then he saw my face. "did you get a girlfriend!?" he grinned.
"no...but i got a girls number!"
"thats awesome!" he high fived me.
"and i said three words to her! also sorry for banging again, i was excited!" i was too happy.
"apology accepted but thats fucking amazing" he picked me up and spun me round. "im so proud of you darling!" he set me down. then he gasped "shit".
"whats wrong?" i asked.
"wait here" he went back inside...then he came out. "im on a live stream"
"okay?" i was slightly confused.
"about 30,000 people heard us"

"oh" 30k of brendons fanbase heard us. heard me. my voice.
i felt weight lift off my shoulder.
"can i join you? its uh...too late so...plus im not looking directly at someone so...maybe it'll be easy...?" i asked.
"c'mon" he took my hand and led me inside.
"you all heard that" he pulled up a chair for me and we sat on the desk together. "this is dylan!"

brendon talked away while i looked at the comments.

omg shes talking!


gay legend!!





"what should i play?" brendon looked through his spotify.
"ariana" i begged.
"hell no" he scoffed.
"dude, the amount of times i have to hear her voice. she's good but..."
he put on sinatra.
"ugh" i complained.
"c'mon dylan, you always pick the music"
the comments were going crazy.
"pleaseeee?" i pleaded him.
"okay. pick anyone, but no ariana. promise?"
"promise" he gave me the mouse and i selected panic! at the disco death of a bachelor and brendon laughed.

"i like it" i said to the stream.
"really? thanks" he ruffled my hair.
i moved my hair out of my face and read the comments
"say happy birthday to elisa" i said.
"hm?" he drank his beer.
"its elisas birthday. shes here"
"oh! happy birthday elisa"
"whats dylans story?" brendon read.
"dylan dosent have a story" i replied.
"she dosent?" brendon asked.
"no..." i said.

"incase y'all didn't know this is my daughter dylan. shes fourteen, gay and the best thing thats ever happened to me" brendon put an arm round me.
"thanks" i said. brendon laughed and changed the song. he put on no tears left to cry.
"yay!" i hugged him and bopped my head to it.
"ask dylan some questions so she dosent start crying over her crush on ariana grande" brendon teased.
"you suck" i hit him playfully. he just laughed and hugged me

"how is dylan?" brendon asked.
" good" i replied.

"does dylan like the band?"
"love it"

"your mom gay" i read.
"your dad lesbian" i said. brendon laughed.
"i love how you knew it was a vine reference" he exclaimed.

i cannot believe i did that.

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