42: "nice to meet you"

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"hey darling" brendon came and sat next to me. it was the next day and me and brendon hadn't spoken whatsoever. i was sitting on the couch in a ball watching sam and cat.
"you okay?" he asked. i shook my head, knowing i was going to cry. "im sorry about yesterday" he said, putting his arm round me. i took a deep breathe, calming myself.
"don't be. i overreacted" i said, my voice shaky.

"you did" he grinned. i scoffed playfully and leaned on his shoulder.
"i'm so stupid" i sighed. "hey shut up" he said in a new jersey accent. i laughed and he did too. "you bored?" he asked.
"yeah" i admitted.
"you wanna invite your girlfriend over?" he teased.

"brendon!" i elbowed him and he squealed and laughed.
"seriously though. its sunday. she should be free. she isnt straight so no church"
"oh my god" i exclaimed. he laughed with glee. "i wanna meet her. you talk about her all the time" he nudged me.
"don't do that!" i moved over.
"and okay. i will. for my benefit, not yours"

me: you wanna come over?
sierra🏳️‍🌈: please can i?
me: yeah ofc! heres my address

i messages it and then went to tidy my room a bit. i looked in the mirror and gasped. i looked a mess.
"brendon did you really not tell me how bad i looked!?" i exclaimed.
"shut up you're beautiful" he called.
i sighed and got changed into a pride t shirt and denim shorts. i brushed my hair and styled it then put on some bracelets then washed my hands and looked at the calendar.

its been 2 years since i stopped.
i smiled a little. brendon didn't know but he didn't need to. i went downstairs and had a cookie as a little 'reward'.

then i heard the doorbell ring. i ran to the door and opened it to see sierra. her eyes were red but she was still smiling.
"hey" she said. i smiled back and let her in.
you wanna meet my dad? i typed.
"uh in a bit. can we talk?" she sniffled. i nodded and signalled her to wait. i ran to the living room and told brendon we'd be a minuet - he was playing fortnite anyway.

we went to my room and she sat on my bed. i closed the door and went to my mini fridge and got out a container of strawberries. brendon buys me some every week...joker.

i sat down next to her and she bursted into tears. i put the snacks down and wrapped my arms around her. after she let it out she wiped her eyes.

"i came out to my best friend finally and she dosent wanna know me. she's scared im going to fall for her. she wants nothing to do with me!" she told me. damn. "we've been friends for 4 years and now i've lost her"
i pointed to my cd rack and signalled her to pick one while i typed. she got up and went to choose while i tapped away.

honestly what kind of friend is she to do that? text her and ask to talk. tell her how long you've been holding it in bc of this. it was ur biggest fear. you would have supported her if she was gay. whats so different about you?

she selected a paramore cs and looked at what i wrote.
"i'll try. will you help?" she asked. i nodded and slid her hand into mine. "thanks. really, it means so much to me" she said. i squeezed her hand and we both smiled.

"so...what'd you do when your bored?" she asked. i pointed to my laptop. school. i then pointed to my tv. netflix. i showed her my speakers and record player. music. then i showed her my notice board with the photos of me and brendon on it. hang with my dad.
"are you guys close?" she pondered. i nodded. "like...really close?" she asked. i nodded again. "i wish me and my dad were that close. like we don't not get along. but we're not close. im not with my mom either. im just kinda there"
i don't have a mom. what's yours like? i asked.

"she's a normal mom" she shrugged. "nah. not really" she sat up properly. "she's super funny. she says i get my funniness from her. and she had me really young. her parents weren't accepting of her being pansexual. so when i came out to her as gay she cried and promised she'd always support me. my dad and her met in high school and he always looked out for her. his parents took her in"
she explained everything. i got a bit emotional and she laughed at me.
"so...can i meet your dad?" she asked. i pulled her by the hand and ran as fast as i could downstairs. brendon was still playing fortnite. i clapped in his face and he jumped.
"what?" he smiled at me.
"she wants to meet you" i whispered.

"wait. but i swear..." she ran upstairs and brought down my pray for the wicked vinyl. "your dad has a doppelgänger!?" she exclaimed.
"no. thats me" brendon told her.
"no way! you're in a band!?" she asked.
a one man band i typed.
she put the vinyl aside. "im sierra."
"brendon" he said as we sat down.
"nice to meet you!"

they were so alike!
they were both bubbly, childish and laughed a lot. i knew they'd get along. they were both even sinatra fans.

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