87: "its not possible!"

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i couldn't breathe. tears were streaming down my cheeks. brendon held me close.

"excuse me, who are you?"
"im her adoptive dad. she's been living with me for two years" brendon said. "she's having a panic attack uh...wait here" brendon helped me to the bathroom and calmed me. i bursted into tears soon afterwards.

"dylan its okay" he held me close.
"i didn't even know he was alive! i thought he was as stoned as my mom!"
"damm that must have been hard"
"this isn't possible brendon!"
"you never really did find out what happened to him" he pointed out.
"its not possible! its not fucking..." i started to cry again.

"oh no whats wrong?" we got back to the bus and nicole saw what a mess i was. i let brendon explain...i couldn't even handle what i'd just heard. she hugged me and let me chill with herc mike and dan. brendon said he was going to talk to my dad.

i tried to distract myself but i couldn't stop thinking about it.

"so...your dylans real dad?"

man this is awkward.
"yeah, kevin. and you're...?"
"brendon" i replied, shaking his hand. "uh my bands currently on tour and i flew dylan out to hang with us"
"i didn't think i'd ever see dylan. after i heard her mom died i was doing everything to find her"
"dude, im really sorry"
"its all good" he shrugged.

this is so fucking awkward.

"so uh...what'd you do?" i asked.
"im a teacher of physics" damn. "so your band? whats it called?"
"panic! at the disco" i replied.
"never heard of it" why the fuck was this guy being such a dick?
"uh anyway, dylans really cool. she has really severe anxiety and depression. she's a mute but she trusts a few people - me being one of them"
"oh" what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
"yeah but she's really awesome. always making me laugh" i added. "such a cool kid"
"i want to meet dylan"
"oh yeah sure i can ask her if she's up for it" i took his number a while later and headed back to the bus. i got in and slammed the door. dylan and mike were talking - which made me so happy - while dan and nicole were trying these japanese snacks.

"no offence dylan but your dads a dick"

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