23: "SEND IT!"

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"brendon why aren't you eating? are you okay?" i asked.
brendon hadn't eaten since breakfast. and it was now lunch. he was just smoking.
"you mind?" i shook my head.

"its sarah. i wanna ask to hang out with her soon but...im nervous"
"have you texted her?" i asked.
"a little. shes just so gorgeous a-and sweet but i've never really impressed a girl before"
"what about i text her for you? tell me what to say and i'll text it"
"no its okay. i should do it myself"
"brendon...i think she likes you"
"you're wrong" he was being defensive.
"why else would she tell you that shes single?" i folded my arms.
"dylan you're just a kid. you don't know what you're saying"


i got up and left the room.
"dylan wait!" he caught up with me. "im sorry. im just...i really like her. i haven't stopped thinking about her and...i-i don't know why im being a jackass" he said.
"its okay. but text her. i'll help"

i made him a sandwhich and poured him a beer. we sat down and he typed away. "okay what about this: hi sarah. i hope this isn't weird or anything but i was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend" he showed me.
"thats perfect" i replied. "take out 'i hope this isn't weird or anything but' though"

"i sound lonely" he sighed.
"thats because you are" i pointed out. "now send it" i encouraged him.
"maybe i should retype it" he said.
"brendon its fine" i assured him.
"but its weird!" he insisted.
"its not weird, its called anxiety"
"im not sending it. i refuse"
"brendon it'll be fine. trust me"
"i hate it when people say that"
"you do yourself! send it" i urged him.
"im deleting it" he decided.
"brendon come on!" i begged.
"dylan i-"
"SEND IT!" i yelled.

he jumped and accidentally elbowed his phone off the table. he ran to retrieve the poor little guy and gasped.
"no! it sent!" he gasped.
"yes!" i grinned.
"shit! she's typing! i can't look" he handed me his phone and paced back and forth.
"brendon. don't worry" i said.
"how can i not!? why'd you yell?"
"it was...necessary?" i gulped.

his phone chimed. he stepped back.
"you check" he said.
"okay! okay" i turned his phone on. "brendon oh my god!!" i squealed.
"she rejected me didn't she?" he asked.
"no! she wrote: Hey brendon! Of course! I would love to hang out with you! What do you have in mind?" i read.

"you're lying" he took his phone and checked. a smile grew on his face. "oh my god!! she said yes!" he picked me up and spun me round and cheered.
"see! i knew you could do it! now c'mon text her back!" i jumped.

"what should i take her for?"
"coffee??" i suggested.
You like coffee? he typed.
More of a tea person but yes
Lets get some this Saturday!
Awesome! Can we do 3 o'clock?
Sure! Starbucks?
Yes!! See you Saturday!
You too!

"you got a date!!" i squealed.
"ahh i cant believe it!" he jumped.
"yay!!" we both danced round the room happily.
"wait" he stopped. "why do you want me to go on a date so bad?"
"because" i said. "its not fair if im happy and you're not"
"i am happy" he told me.

"are you though?"

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