Jacklyn-Stomach Bug

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Brooklyn's POV:

It was early in the morning when I woke up to the sound of a door slamming, it was really loud! I looked over at Jack's bed and saw that he wasn't in it, his duvet was on the floor and our bedroom door was wide open. Odd. I got up and stood in the corridor, I didn't know where Jack had got to. After about five minutes I heard a horrible retching noise, then the sound of vomit hitting the toilet. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Jack is that you?" I asked, I heard a whimper come from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah."  His voice was shaking, I could hear him heavily breathing.

"Do you want me to come in?" I wanted to make sure that he was ok.

"I'm fi-" He was cut off, heard him vomit again. I didn't want him to be alone in there.

"I'm coming in Jack." I slowly opened the door and saw Jack hunched over the toilet, one hand pressed up against his stomach. I knelt down behind him and rubbed soothing circles on his back until he stopped puking. He leaned against me, I felt his forehead.

"You're burning up." I stroked his arms, they were covered in Goosebumps and I could feel him shaking.

"I think you caught some sort of stomach bug." Jack nodded and buried his face into my neck. He was getting tired, I could tell. I scooped him up and carried him back to our bedroom. I laid him down on his bed and covered him up with his duvet, I also moved the bin from the corner of the room next to his bed in case he was going to throw up again.

"Get comfortable, I'm going to grab you a few things." I got him a glass of water, he needed to stay hydrated and I got him some medicine to help his stomach.

"Jack, come on. You need it." I said trying to spoon-feed the Pepto Bismol to Jack which he was refusing, he was being really stubborn. I didn't blame him, I mean if I had been throwing up all morning I wouldn't want it either.

"Please Jack, it might help you feel better." I was trying to be persuasive.

"OR it might make me puke again." Jack protested, I wasn't giving up.

"You're probably going to throw up again anyway, you might as well try and hold it down long enough for it to take effect." Jack listened to reason and swallowed it, he did gag but got it down. If he could keep it down then that would be good.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I asked him.

"Can we cuddle?" I couldn't turn down his offer, I got under the covers and he rested his head against my chest. Jack grabbed my hand and placed it on his stomach.

"Do you want me to rub your tummy?" I asked my sick friend.

"Please, it hurts." I started rubbing gentle circles on his belly to try and relieve him of any pain.

"Thanks Brook." I heard him say weakly before he fell asleep, I quietly turned on the tv and waited for him to wake up again.

Two hours later, Jack was still asleep. His arms wrapped around his middle and his face looking really pale. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I heard his stomach gurgle angrily, he probably felt nauseous. His eyes fluttered open and quickly grabbed the bin by the side of the bed before throwing up, again I rubbed his back and whispered soothing words in his ear.

"I'm done." He said trying to catch his breath. I took the bin to the bathroom so I could clean it out, whilst in the corridor Rye walked passed and looked at the vomit. He pinched his nose and turned his head away.

"Who threw up?" He asked looking at the wall.

"Jack, he is really sick. I was about to clean it out."

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