Bonny- Impetigo

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Sonny's POV:
This is great! I just get to sit in my room all day, I can eat in bed and watch a bit of telly and I'm not actually ill. The only problem is the boys are afraid to go near me because I am contagious, every time they come to check on me they are wearing these radiation suits that they bought from a costume shop for last Halloween. I was desperately waiting for Brooklyn to come back with my prescription because my rash was really starting to itch and I wasn't allowed to scratch otherwise the boys might catch it too. Talk of the devil, Brook matched in wearing a snorkel mask and latex gloves for protection. He was holding a tray, he placed it on my bedside table. He picked up the thermometer ad shoved it in my mouth.

"Brook, seriously you can talk to me!" I tried to say and still hold the thermometer in my mouth.

"I'm talking to you now, I bought you that mcflurry so you can get better. Hurry up and get a fucking move on." He joked as he unloaded a McDonalds bag with my big mac and fries, when you have a craving you have a craving. The thermometer beeped and I took it out my mouth.

"101.1." I said passing it back to him, I knew that I would have a fever because I have an infection that my body was trying to fight off.

"Oh, and I got your prescribed lotion. Use it now before you eat." He passed me the cream and I applied it to the sores on my face, hopefully this will stop it from itching.

"You can take the mask off now, unless you actually plan on going snorkeling today. I shouldn't really be contagious now." I saw a doctor the other dat and he said that after forty-eight hours I wasn't contagious. Brook looked silly but it made me feel bad.

"I don't want to take my chances Sonny Boy. Eat your food." Brook sat in my bed and we ate our maccies together. We had a nice little chit chat,  about weird things. Oh, there's a shuttle cock up there! That sort of stuff. I needed something to distract me from my itchy sores around my face, impetigo is a really boring illness. But it gives us a chance to bond as we ended up revealing a lot of stuff that we didn't know about each other.

"Did you know that I once went skinny dipping in a pond when I was on a camping trip with my family in France?" Brook confessed...


A short one but I needed to start somewhere.

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