Ryan- Talk To Me

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Rye's POV:
Sonny had been acting differently all morning, he was really irritated by everything. Very cranky indeed, maybe he just had a bad night or was hungover or something. We were filming in the living room, just a few bits and pieces for some covers and for the vlog. Sonny had just come back from the toilet, he had been taking a lot of toilet breaks today oddly enough.

"Are you ok mate?" I asked him as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"I'm fine." He said all moody, this ain't like him. Where is the smiley, sunny Sonny we all know and love?

"Are you sure, you seem quite down in the dumps today." I asked putting my hand on his leg. He swatted my hand away.

"I said I'm fine, leave me the fuck alone!" He said angrily, that hurt my feelings.

"Sonny, are you on your period?" Brooklyn asked. Sonny stood up and without hesitation slapped Brooklyn across the face. Brook dropped to the ground and held his cheek, he burst into tears. That was bang out of order, and not like Sonny at all.

"I-I'm so sorry Brooklyn." Sonny stuttered and attempted to help him up.

"D-don't t-touch m-me!" Brooklyn said scared, backing away from him. We were all shocked by his action, Sonny turned and ran out of the room. Something was wrong with him, but first I was going to let him calm down. We got Brooklyn some ice for his cheek, Jack started making lunch for everyone. We were having his famous  homemade pizza, with no pineapple because he's doesn't appreciate fine cuisine, but with loads of meat on it. Surprisingly, Sonny never came downstairs for food. I made sure that I save him a couple slices for when he does decide to show up. I could here the toilet flushing a lot so he definitely wasn't dead.

It was getting close to dinner time, Sonny still hadn't come down for his pizza. I was starting to worry about him, he probably felt really guilty about hitting Brooklyn that he was too ashamed to come down. I heated up a few slices of pizza for him and popped it on a plate, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge because there wasn't a tap upstairs that have clean drinking
water so he couldn't drink anything. I went upstairs to Sonny's bedroom, the door was closed. I knocked on it three times.

"Sonny, can I come in please mate?" I asked him, I heard a whimper and a groan from the other side of the door. Based on the mixed reviews and just lack of communication I let myself in. Sonny had changed out of his jeans, he was now in some sweatpants and a  hoodie. He was lying on top of his bed, hugging a pillow sadly.

"Aww mate, are you alright?" I asked him. I closed the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled into the pillow.

"Jack made pizza, do you want some?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Not hungry." He mumbled.

"Sonny, what's the matter with you. Whatever happened downstairs is nothing like you at all, something must be up." I said rubbing his back.

"It's embarrassing." He said turning his head slightly to look at me better.

"Come on, talk to me." I pleaded, he pulled me in closer.

"I got the runs real bad!" He whispered into my ear.

"Oh, ok I see." I said, not exactly what I was expecting to hear.

"I was just annoyed, it's gross and I kept getting some serious stomach cramps. Just that mixed with being stressed, I just ket it all out by slapping Brooklyn. I knew it was wrong, I didn't mean to hurt him but I was just in a lot of pain and wasn't thinking." He explained, that made a lot of sense. He always gets a bit cranky when he has a stomach-ache, we all do. But the runs would be the tip of the iceberg for me. I felt Sonny's forehead.

"You do feel warm." I said, his stomach made some unpleasant noises. Sonny curled up into a ball and started groaning.

"Are you feeling alright Sonny, do you need the toilet?" I asked him, despite his embarrassment.

"Yep, I'll be back in a minute." He said jumping up from the bed and running back into the bathroom. I felt really bad for him, everyone hates diarrhoea. Assuming he was going to be a while, I took the plate of food downstairs and grabbed a bottle of ginger ale from the fridge. All the boys were chilling in the kitchen, making their dinner and stuff. I was going to eat the leftover pizza later.

"Guys, just to let you know Sonny isn't feeling well." I told them.

"Really, what's wrong with him?" Andy asked.

"Upset stomach, tummy pains and diarrhoea stuff going on. That's why he was mad earlier and slapped Brooklyn. He is really sorry by the way, he feels bad that he scared you." I explained.

"It's fine, I deserved it. Jokes about menstruation are not funny, period!" Brooklyn stated, we all knew that joke well so none of us laughed or accepted his high five.

"That joke is seriously starting to get old now Brooklyn." Jack told him on everyone's behalf. I took the bottle of ginger ale upstairs to his room, I had just heard the toilet flush. He came out the bathroom looking all sweaty and gross.

"Feel a little bit better now?" I asked him, he shook his head before making the rest of the way to his bedroom and flopped back down on his bed tummy first. Hugging his pillow again. I put the water bottle and the ginger ale on his bedside table.

"Make sure you have something to drink, you're dehydrated and that's not going to do you any favours. I'm going to get you some medicine." I told him before going into the bathroom, I grabbed some air freshener and sprayed it in the room just to make it smell a bit nicer. Not trying to hurt Sonny's feelings by the fact that his shit smelt really bad because he couldn't help it, just so the others wouldn't judge him for being a bit stinky. I opened the medicine cabinet and found a couple anti-diarrhoeal tablets, I took two out the plastic and took it back to Sonny. He was lightly sipping on the ginger ale.

"Here you go, they should help."I said passing him the tablets.

"These aren't laxatives are they?" He asked me.

"Laxatives would literally do the opposite of what we want to happen, we want to slow down your shits. Not speed them up, just swallow them. Trust me." I said, I don't even think we have any laxatives in the house. Apart from Brooklyn, he had some and he pranked Jack by putting some in his water a couple months ago....it was not pretty and he fell asleep on the toilet. Sonny eventually swallowed them and kept taking a few sips of his drink.

"Do you still have a tummy ache?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Can you get me a heating pad please?" He asked.

"Sure, wait here a minute." I said, I went to the store cupboard and blew the dust off the top of it. We haven't used it since the laxative incident. I took it back to Sonny, I plugged it in and placed it on his belly.

"Just stay here and rest for a bit, if you start to feel worse or if you throw up or something then come get me. And come get me if you follow through, I have little brothers and looked after them when they were ill so I'm used to worse things than soiled underwear. Don't be shy." I told him.

"Thanks Rye." Sonny said sleepily.

Luckily he felt a lit better by the next morning, however the day after that something else was happening. I heard a door slam, I went out into the hall to investigate further. I heard someone whimpering and groaning behind the bathroom door. I knocked on it three times.

"Everything alright in there?" I asked whoever it was on the other side.

"Ryyyyye, my tummy huuuuuurts!" I heard Jack whine from behind the door. We are not having a repeat of what happened a few months back.

"Hang on Jack, I'll be back in a minute." I told him before marching angrily to Brooklyn's bedroom.

"Did you give Jack laxatives again?"I asked him, he looked up from his phone and smirked.

"He didn't laugh at my period joke, he always laughs at my jokes. It hurt my feelings. This is for revenge." He said, so he did give him laxatives.


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