Roadtrip- Singing In The Rain

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I based this on the boys zodiac signs and how they apparently act based on their zodiac sign, I saw this from a video.

Andy and Rye(Aquarius)- Drinks a lot of water

Brooklyn(Libra)- Wants to be left alone

Jack(Cancer)- Very needy

This is also based in Hogwarts with Elvis and Robbie, enjoy!


Elvis's POV:

I am fully equipped to shoot this medley for the boys, they were doing a movie song medley and we were finishing off the scene we needed for the Singing In The Rain bit. I had my raincoat on, my wellington boots, a rainhat, an umbrella and even my camera had a coat so it wouldn't get wet. We were filming this in the middle of a thunderstorm so it was coming down in bucket loads so I needed to protect myself and my camera equipment. But the boys had different ideas, they wanted to do a comedic yet modern take on this film so they were wearing their normal clothes and Brooklyn had the amazing idea that instead of using real umbrellas which we did have that they would use tiny paper umbrellas that you would put in cocktails. It was funny but I was more focused on making sure my camera was fine. I had just gotten a new one so I wanted to keep it nice. Rye's white T-shirt had turned see-through, Jack's jumper practically absorbed all the rain like a sponge and was now releasing it all, Brook was catching the raindrops on his tongue and Andy was trying not to get too much mud on his new shoes. They were all soaking wet and cold by now, unlike me who was dry as a bone.

"Guys come on, before we catch our death in this weather." I said, running towards the house and trying not to slip on the mud. The others were not as successful as they tumbled like dominoes, mud streaked down there backs, I tried not to laugh as I would hate it happening to me. I may have started sniggering but that was about it. I took off my rain gear, the others came in dripping and now mucky. Robbie was looking at them with a smug grin on his face.

"Haha, had a nice shower did you?" He laughed.

"Shut up Bro! All you did was stand around making hot chocolates. Make me one ready for when I come out the shower." Rye said, just in a mood because he was uncomfortably cold in his clothes. He went upstairs, followed by everyone else so that they could have a wash. I went into my room and dressed into my sweatpants and sweatshirt before I joined Robbie in the kitchen were he had made everyone a delicious hot beverage. I took a sop of my hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows on the top. QUALITY LUSHNESS! Everyone eventually joined us in their comfy clothes and their duvets as we piled into the cinema room for a little sleepover. It was nice and cosy, we sat there all snuggly with our hot chocolates and Netflix. I fell asleep around the same time as everyone else, we were all pretty knackered. It had been a long day.

Brooklyn's POV:

I woke up and I felt terrible. My head was pounding, my throat felt like it was closing up and my nose was all stuffed up, I opened my mouth and swallowed some air. I came to the conclusion that it hard to swallow, just hang your mouth wide open so you can breathe. I only just wake up and hadn't comprehended the coughs and sneezes going on around me. It was pissing me off! I Wrapped my pillow around my head to try and block out the noise.

"Not you too Brook. Are you alright, do you need anything?" Alex said touching my arm, I kicked him off me.

"Leave me *cough* alone!" I said in annoyance.

"Brooklyn let me help you, I can get you some medicine or something?" CAN'T A GUY JUST GET SOME SLEEP WITHOUT PEOPLE INTERUPTING YOU!

"I said, *cough cough* leave me alone!" I said shoving him off my sofa, I curled my duvet around myself and attempted to try and nap.

Andy's POV:

 We all had to go and catch fucking colds, very bad colds. That's not ideal, we have plans. Places to go and people to see. I needed to flush out my inner illness.

"Alex, can *sniff* you get me a two litre bottle of water?" I croaked out, you have to hydrate, hydrate be healthy! That's my motto.

"Um...sure thing. That should last you a couple hours." Alex said back, I needed more bottles than that because I would probably get through twelve to get back on track.

"Make that a dozen." I croaked out, I hate having a sore throat.

"Ok then... a dozen two litre bottles of water?" He said all confused, why should he be confused. Everyone knows to get better you need to drink a lot of water.

"I'll have *sniff* the same." Rye said, someone knew what I was on about. HYDRATE BE HEALTHY PEOPLE! Elvis nodded his head as if to say yes and began to leave the room.

"Wait Alex, you *ACHOOOOO!* forgot about me." Jack piped up from the sofa he was sharing with Brooklyn.

"I'll come back in a second for you Jack, I have to somehow get them lot twenty-four bottles of water."

After five very long minutes, Our slave called Elvis was pushing our water bottles along the floor like a train. Well, we are satisfied.

Jack's POV:

Everything is happening! I have many problems that very much need sorting out.

"Elvis, *sniff sniff* can you get me some socks, my *cough* feet are a little bit cold." I asked all innocently, giving out my famous puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing." He said, attempting to leave the room but I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back to me.

"And some hot tea for my sore throat." I asked again, as my voice cracked if I was trying to make a point. He nodded, tried to leave again but I was still holding his sleeve.

"And can you *cough cough* get my blankie?" I asked all cute and innocent to try and get what I wanted.

"Ok, can I have my sleeve now?" He asked because I was still holding it, I let go and he left the room again. I looked over at Brooklyn who was trying to sleep, I really wanted a cuddle because I was cold, I laid down next to him.

"Get Off Me!" He said trying to nudge me off, how rude.

"Please Brookie, *cough* I'm ill." I whined trying to snuggle up next to him for warmth.

"You're ill, I'm the one who's ill." He sassed, why was he being such a meanie beanie? I sulked and turned away from him, Elvis came back in with everything I wanted. He slipped the fluffy socks on my freezing toes, laid my blankie over my shivering self and put the tea on the ground next to me.

"What's up Jack, why the sad boo boo face?" Elvis asked like h was sort of making fun of me.

"Brookie won't *sniff* cuddle with me." I said, pushing my lips out and making my eyes go dim. He sat down next to me on the sofa and I nuzzled my face into his chest.

"So warm." I said contently, it was really comfortable. I was happy once again.

Rye's POV:


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I repeated crossing my legs trying to waddle-run to the nearest bathroom, I quickly lifted up the lid and I was able to relieve myself. It just kept on coming and coming. I felt really refreshed after that, I genuinely feel better about life after having a power Wizz. Whistling, I walked back to the cinema room. I stood at the doorway, everyone was staring at me as if I had an elephant's trunk or something.

"What?" I asked all confused.

"You've been gone for twenty minutes!" Elvis exclaimed, was it really that long? I am impressed, that must be some kind of a record!

"I don't think I'm human..."


That wasn't my favourite one to write, if I'm honest. Their zodiac sign reactions are not accurate to how they would normally act, might not do another one like this unless you want me to do their periods as their zodiac sign.

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