Rack- You're Going To Be Ok

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Rye's POV:
"You're ok Baby, I know you don't feel well but you're going to be just fine. I won't let anything happen to you." I reassured my poorly little. Jack had woken up with a bad winter cold, he obviously felt really bad and he was convinced that he was going to die. Hearing him say that broke my heart. Jack cuddled up closer, hot tears running down his face. His nose was stuffed up, his eyes were red and he had a fever. It was probably because I said he had a temperature that he got scared.

"D-daddy, I g-going do die?" He sobbed miserably, I kissed the top of his head and rocked him gently back and forth.

"You won't Jackie, I promise. Daddy's going to make you better, Ok. Do you want some medicine?" I asked him, maybe giving him some medicine will make him calm down because he knows that medicine is supposed to make you feel better. He nodded sadly, I wrapped him up in his blankie and gave him Mittens, his stuffed kitten toy, before picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet lid and passed him a bit of loo roll.

"Blow your nose Baby, it will help you breathe." I said, he looked at me with worried eyes again. Crying even more.

"I nod *cough cough* breathing?" He asked, he was making his runny nose worse and making his phlegm a lot heavier.

"No, no, no you are breathing Jackie. Don't worry. Just blowing your nose and getting rid all the yucky snot in your nose will help get rid of the bad stuff making you feel poorly." I rephrased, knowing that snot helps to get rid of the virus.

"O-ok." He said, calming down a bit more. He blew his nose, I could hear how thick his mucus was.

"D-daddy...id's lellow!" I heard him say, working himself up again by the colour of his snot. I rubbed his back.

"It's alright Jackie, it just means that your body is trying to get rid of the germs to make you feel better. The yellow stuff is what needs to come out, that's making you poorly. I know it's scary but there really is nothing to worry about, I'm right here." I said softly, pulling him in for a warm hug. He nuzzled his warm face into the crook of my neck, I rubbed his back gently to soothe him. Once he'd calmed down I lightly dabbed his sore nose with some more loo roll before flushing it down the toilet. I grabbed the calpol from the medicine cabinet and sucked it up with the syringe before squirting it into his mouth. He swallowed it with no fuss, before making grabby hands for me.

"Come here baby boy, do you want to watch some telly?" I asked him, he nodded slowly. I carried him to my bedroom and got him all comfy in my bed, I tucked Mittens in too. I put on Wiggle Bay, a film by The Wiggles, (A/N I am a super fan!) I opened my bedside drawer so I could grab the thermometer.

"Jackie, can you open your mouth please so I can take your temperature?" I asked politely, he obediently opened his mouth and slipped the thermometer under his tongue. He whimpered as we waited for the beep.

"I know its uncomfortable Baby, not long now." I said stroking his hair. Not long after that the thermometer beeped and I took it out his mouth. He was at 102.1.

"Whad *cough cough* id say?" Jack asked, I didn't want to worry him too much.

"You have a fever Bubs, that means your body is trying hard to fight off the germs." I explained in the least worrying way possible. He nodded and settled down a bit more.

"Cwuddle." He said crawling into my lap, I laid him down across my chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"I wuv you Jackie Poo!" I cooed.

"Wuvoo." Jack cooed back sleepily. He soon melted into my embrace and fell asleep listening to my heart beat.

At dinner time, I had Jack in the sofa with a movie playing on my laptop so I could keep an eye on him as I made him some chicken soup. I poured it into a little bowl and grabbed a spoon from the drawer.

"Do you want Daddy to feed you?" I asked him, already knowing his answer.

"Yes pwease." He said, I propped the pillows up behind him so he was sitting up. I got a spoon full of soup, blowing on it lightly before feeding him. He hummed and smacked his lips together lightly.

"Is it yummy?" I asked him as I prepared is next spoon full. He nodded, opening his mouth for some more. He finished the bowl, I put it in the dishwasher before taking Jack back upstairs.

"Do you want to sleep with Daddy tonight?" I asked swaying him lightly, he nodded.

"Ok Angel." I said before kissing his forehead, he still had a temperature. I was going to give his some calpol before bed to help him sleep and some vicks vapo rub. I got him under the covers, he cuddled Mittens to his chest as I got the medicine syringe out. I gave him the pink strawberry liquid, pure heaven, I was slightly jealous, before grabbing the eucalyptus gel. I blobbed it onto my fingers and pulled his pyjama top down, rubbing small circles on his chest.

"Smell gwood." Jack said a little less congestedly, it was already starting to unblock his sinuses a bit which was good news. I screwed the cap back on and got into bed with him, spooning him to make him feel safe remembering how scared he was earlier.

"Feel a little better now?" I asked him.

"A wittle." Jack said whilst yawning, I ran my hand through his hair until we both fell asleep. Ever since he has been a lot more calm when he gets a cold and not as paranoid about death, death was a long way off for him so for the time being he need not worry.
Hope you liked it. Ovulation pain sucks, it took my seven and a half hours to finish my homework last night. The school week is getting longer and the weekends are getting shorter, everything is giving me a headache. Life is good!

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