Mack- I'm On My Period!

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I'm on my period and because boys don't know what it is like I made this, enjoy!

Jack's POV:

Not again! I woke up to the painful cramps in my lower stomach, its that time of the month again. Did I bleed in the night? I hoped it was just spotting and not full on Niagra Falls. I got out of bed and looked at my sheets, there is a massive blood stain on my white sheets! I turned around and looked in the mirror, my grey sweatpants were also covered in blood.

"Shit, shit, shit, shitty, shitty, shitty bullocks."I whispered under my breath, trying not to wake up Brooklyn. I grabbed my black sweatpants and a hoodie and took them into the bathroom. I quickly hopped in the shower, using steaming hot water to clean myself up. I felt so gross. I put my bloody clothes in the wash basket and changed into my black clothes, also put in a pad. I grabbed my period blankie from my bed, wrapped it around my shoulders like a cape and awkwardly waddled into the Mindy room, both boys were awake. I made my appearance known by groaning as loud as I could, my arms snaked around my stomach and I flopped onto the couch.

"Jack, are you on your rag?" Mikey asked, I very much was. My stomach hurt so bad, I wanted to die. I curled into a tight ball.

"I'm so bloated, I need chocolate!" I exclaimed, I hate my period.

"Ok, wait here." Mikey said as he left me on the couch, I cocooned myself and didn't want to move until I was done bleeding. A week should be long enough, I wished I synced up with the boys, they have a couple weeks until they are in my position. Mikey came back with a bar of chocolate, yum, some ibuprofen, a cup of tea and a hot water bottle. Aww Mike you are my saviour during my darkest hour!

"Thank you Mikey." I said before biting into the chocolate bar, I needed food before I could take the pain killers. I swallowed them down with some tea then snuggled further into the crook of the couch with the hot water bottle on my belly, my legs lying over Mikey's lap. He couldn't do enough for me when I didn't feel good. I was probably going to have to do the same for him when he is on his period. But I mustn't think about that right now, just eat the chocolate and all my problems will go away.


I have no idea what I have just written, I just thought it would be funny what it would be like if guys had periods. THEY ARE THE WORST! I had a toilet paper pad most of the day because I ran out of actual pads, my cramps hurt to the point where I want to cry and I feel really sluggish. Plus I am getting a cold and we all now what happens when you sneeze. So school was fun today...

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