Rack- Homesick and Sick

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Basically, I planned this as Jack's first time getting sick as part of Roadtrip. Because it is his first time getting sick away from home, he misses his mum a lot. Imagine it in Blaire's flat, but Blaire isn't there and MIKEY IS MAKING THIS STORY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS THROWBACK!


Jack's POV:

I woke up to an unpleasant ache in my stomach, not a great way to start the day. This is not the time to catch an illness, we have to go to the studio today but I would much rather stay in bed. Then again what else is new, I always want to stay in bed and I don't want the boys to think I am faking. I shakily sat up, the sunlight from the gap in the curtains hit my face giving me a headache. I held on to the side of the bunk bed as I tried to stand, I felt unbalanced and dizzy. This was the worst. I steadied myself along the walls as I made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I almost tripped over Pepper the cat in the process. I opened the kitchen door and saw all the boys there making their breakfast, normally I love breakfast but not today, I felt nauseated.

"Morning Jack." Brook said, loud as usual. I smiled, trying to not wince and the pain in my head. Rye slid a plate of eggs, bacon and toast my way.

"Eat up Jack, we have a big day ahead of us and we don't want you getting hungry." He said, I highly doubted that I would feel hungry as the day goes on. I tried to eat as much as I could when the boys were looking at me, I mainly just played with it. I managed to discreetly dump the food in the bin. Everyone left to get changed, I just stayed in my sweats from the day before, I had no energy to change outfits right now. The car arrived and we all piled in, the whole drive I could feel the small amount of food sloshing around in my stomach painfully. I slipped my hand into my hoodie pocket and held my stomach, groaning as the pain built up.

"Are you alright Jack?" Mikey asked, I was sat between him and Andy. 

"Yeah, you look a bit pale." Andy added.

"I'm fine, just a slight headache." I said, I didn't want to worry them with my troubles. Andy motioned for me to put my head in his lap, I laid down with my legs across Mikey's legs. My stomach churned, I groaned again.

"We can go back if you really aren't feeling well." Mikey said, sounding a bit concerned.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Not sick." I stated before attempting to doze off. I was woken up at the studio, truth be told I felt worse than before. I was going to spew, it was only a matter of time. I asked to go in the booth and record first, then I could just sleep until it was time to go back to the flat. My vocal weren't the best, there was no passion. no energy, just about acceptable.

"Jack, you don't look too good." Rye told me, it was obvious that I was sick.

"I am feeling a bit under the weather, I'm going to go lie down." I felt really nauseous, I just wanted to stretch out of the sofa and sleep. I used Brooklyn's lap as my pillow.

Rye's POV:

We could tell that Jack was ill, he was as pale as anything and shivering it this room which is practically an oven. Andy was finishing off his vocals before we could go, but everyone had their eyes on Jack because we didn't really know what was wrong with him. He woke up, sat up a bit and placed his hand on his stomach.

"Guys, I feel-" Jack just throws up on Brooklyn's lap. SHIT! I grabbed the bin that was next to me and held it under his chin to try and catch the rest of the sick coming out of his mouth. Brooklyn was having a moment to let himself be disgusted by what just happened, the gross act upon him. Mikey rubbed Jack's back and Andy came out of the booth so he could help get Brook cleaned up.

"I'm so s-sorry." Jack sobbed.

"Don't cry Jack, you'll make yourself sick again." Mikey said calmly still rubbing the poorly boy's back. He finished vomiting, but he had got himself in a right state.

"Why didn't you tell us that you felt this bad?" I asked him.

"I didn't want you to think I was faking." He said wiping his watery eyes on his hoodie sleeve.

"Next time, tell us if you feel sick so we can help you. That way we can avoid puking on other people." I teased slightly.

"Now let's get you back home and into bed." I picked him up and carried him into the car. Andy and Brooklyn arrived shortly after, Brook's jeans a bit stained and smelly. We managed to get back to the flat incident free, I carried Jack bridal style and laid him down Blaire's bedroom.

"Since the big man isn't here you can sleep in this bed until you feel better." I said pulling the duvet over him, tucking the sheets into the sides. I quickly grabbed a sick bucket, some stomach relaxers and a glass of water to take back to Jack. However, I returned to a crying Jack.

"Aww, buddy. What's wrong?" I asked him, pulling him onto my lap.

"I-I really miss my mum, I miss the way she took care of me when I was sick." He cried into my shoulder, I knew how he felt. It is hard getting sick away from home for the first time. 

"What would your mum do for you when you were sick, was it a heating pad, medicine, hot bath?" I suggested, he shook his head at me.

"My mum would always rub my stomach if my tummy was hurting, and she would give me sprite and popsicles because she said it would make me feel better. Is that true because I really want some sprite and popsicles." This poor boy, all he wants is a popsicle. I slipped my hand under his hoodie and gently rubbed his stomach. After he fell asleep again, Andy came into the room.

"How is he doing?" He asked.

"Missing his mum, poor lad. Hey, could you go to the shops and buy him some sprite and popsicles?"

"Sure thing, I'll go right now."

"Cheers Fovvs." I said before turning back to the sick boy, I continued to rub his belly. His whole body felt really warm so he probably had a fever too, so a cold popsicle would probably do him some good. A few minutes later I hear a meowing at the door. I opened it and Pepper was sat there.

"Hey Pep, Pep, Pep, Pep. Do you want to come inside?" I don't know why I am talking to her when she can't understand me, but she came in and snuggled up next to Jack. She liked it because he was warm, it was so cute. MY HEART HAS MELTED! Andy re-entered the room with the box of fruity popsicles and a glass of sprite with a straw.

"Awwwwww, they're so cute!" He said looking at the cat and the sleeping Jack cosied up together. I rubbed Jack's shoulder to try and wake him up.

"Jackie, wake up." He slowly opened his eyes, he started whimpering and curled into a little ball.

"Still feeling pretty sick?" Andy asked Jack, he nodded.

"Well we got some things for you to cheer you up." I said as we showed him the sprite and popsicles he asked for.

"Thank you so much, you really didn't have to do this for me." He said brightening up a little.

"It was nothing mate, anything to make you less homesick."

"Again, thank you guys so much." 

After days of just eating popsicles and cuddling Jack was feeling better.


Hope you liked it, been stuck for ideas recently.

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