Jirsty- Jack The Nurse

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Hey guys, I'm still poorly🤒🤧 To try and sleep I was listening to 'Boyfriend takes care of you when you're sick ASMR' and they were so cheesy to say the least and then I thought what it would be like if Jack took care of me? And because I ship Jirsty so much I wrote this, PS if I get any information wrong about Kirsten I apologise as I don't know much about her except she is gorgeous and has a puppy called Vogue 😂🐕 I hope you enjoy anyway xxx
PPS I started writing this before Jack left the band 😭
Jack's POV:
I was spending the weekend with Kirsten at her place. One thing I love about staying at her place is that her bed is the most comfortable thing in the world! She has loads of pillows and fluffy blankets, I should really invest in some back at home. I laid there in bed, snuggled up next to Kirsten as I snoozed away. It was a Sunday and I love a sleep in on a Sunday morning, followed by a huge roast dinner from the carvery then an early night. We did get an early night last night though, I am always tired and ready for sleep but Kirsten also said that she thought she was coming down with something. We decided that an early night was the best thing for the both of us, we were asleep by nine o'clock.

I heard a few muffled coughs and whimpers from Kirsty, then a rustle from the duvet. I moved further up the bed, with my eyes closed still, and kissed the side of her neck gently.

"Feeling poorly, Baby Girl?" I cooed softly and quietly. She whimpered again and turned round on her side to face me, I opened my eyes and saw her fragile state. She was pale, her eyes were red and watery and her little nose was all sore.

"Aww Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I asked her, I sat up slightly and stroked her soft hair to try and comfort her in some way.

"E-everything h-hurds." She croaked out, sadness in her voice. She was obviously congested too.

"I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Baby."I cooed empathetically, I'm always sick but Kirsten never gets sick. She curled into my side, I rubbed her back soothingly and hummed quietly for a few minutes until I noticed Kirsty shivering against me.

"Wait here a second, Gorgeous. Let me get you something." I said laying her back against the pillows, I got out of bed and reached for my backpack. I found one of my hoodies that Kirsty really likes, it was the green and dark blue Vans one.

"Here Sweetheart, wear this. It will keep you warm." I told her, I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her closer to me, gently of course. I helped slip it over her head as she was very weak, I got her arms through the holes too before getting her nice and comfy under the covers again. I heard a little scruffle outside the bedroom door, I think Vogue needed to go out. I kissed Kirsty's forehead lightly.

"I'll take Vogue for a walk, when I come back I'll make you some breakfast. Would you like that?" I offered her.

"Thad would *cough cough* be gread." She whispered weakly, burying her face into her pillow.

"Try and get some rest while I'm gone." I said as I changed my clothes quickly, into some jeans and a shirt. I gave Kirsten another quick kiss on the head.

"I love you Kirsten, I'll be back soon. Hope you start to feel better." I told her as I grabbed Vogue's leash from the drawer in the bedside table.

"Bye Jackie, wuvoo." I heard he say quietly as she started to drift off again. I closed the bedroom door behind me before Vogue launched herself at me.

"Morning my little jumping bean." I cooed as I picked up the puppy like a baby and rubbed her fluffy tummy. She was adorable!

"Mummy is sickie today, I need you to be quiet tonight. Ok?" I asked her, the puppy whimpered too. She is quite clingy with Kirsten, that would make sense as she is her owner but they aren't normally apart for too long.

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