Randy- Travel Sickness

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Andy's POV:
We had a really long drive to the airport today, we were going to go to Greece for a week on a lads holiday together. However, this wasn't good news for Rye because he got really bad travel sickness if we had a journey over an hour. The drive to the airport was an hour and a half and the flight was four hours long. So I expected to see some vomit today. I was driving, I dragged my suitcase along our driveway and bunged it in the back of the car, I took my place in the driver's seat and waited for everyone else. Jack arrived first with his suitcase and sat in the back of the car, Brooklyn came along next with his massive rucksack, then Sonny with his luggage and lastly Rye. He walked glumly to the car, he knew he wasn't going to enjoy the journey. He sat down in the front, next to me.

"Did you take your pills?" I asked, he nodded.

"Do you have a bag, just incase?" I asked, he nodded again and leaned his head against his window. We were all tired, it was almost four in the morning. If he could stay asleep for the whole drive then that would be great. I started driving, leaving Hogwarts behind and nothing but sun, sea and gyros ahead (A/N gyros are a greak food, I love it. Whenever I am over there I have at least one a day with hot sauce. It is pita bread with meat, either chicken or beef, inside after being roasted in a spit. And it is filled with chips and salad, seriously its delicious, if you get a chance to eat one then eat one) Rye only managed to stay asleep for ten minutes, he looked really uncomfortable.

Rye's POV:
I hate car rides, plane rides and almost any rides you can think of. I get really bad motion sickness and travel sickness. I tried to sleep but the car was very bumpy along the roads. I woke up and just tried to focus on something other than the nausea and the stomach-ache I was developing. Normally I would try and focus on the car in front of us but it was too early in the morning for cars to be driving everywhere. It was all becoming a bit too much, I rested my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes as I tried to take some deep breaths. I felt a hand on my thigh.

"Are you alright Rye, do you need me to pull over?" Andy asked me, I was literally a few seconds away from puking all over the car. I nodded. I moaned, feeling my dinner slosh around in my stomach and making it's way up my throat.

"I'm looking for a place to park, just hang on Rye." Andy said, it was coming. The car stopped, I yanked the door open and got out. I collapsed onto the grass and spewed my guts out. Andy was rubbing my back, I looked up for a second after I got a break and saw other holiday makers who were at the service station that we pulled into were staring at me disgusted by my puking. I felt really embarrassed. Andy grabbed me a bottle of water from the car, I took a swig and sloshed it around my mouth before spitting it out onto the grass to get rid of the sour taste in my mouth.

"Feeling a little better now?" Andy asked me. My stomach was still hurting, that was expected having just thrown up but I wasn't as nauseous.

"A little." I said, taking another sip of my water. I was actually kind of tired, maybe I could fall asleep for the rest of the car ride. I got back in my seat, the other boys were awake now.

"Sorry you were feeling sick, Rye." Brooklyn said.

"It's fine, it happens." I said reating my head against the window. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

"Rye, wake up bud. We are here now." I woke up, I was in the car still, I wasn't covered in sick. I think that went quite well. I got out the car, me and the boys checked in and went through security. We sat in McDonalds and waited for our flight to be called, I didn't eat much though because I didn't really want to throw up again. We grabbed some gum from the duty free shop to help with our ears during the flight. Our flight was finally called for boarding, we got on the plane. Long story short, we took off. I was sat in between Andy and Jack, Sonny and Brook were sat behind us and flirting with the girl next to them. We were experiencing some turbulence, that wasn't good for my sensitive stomach.

Andy's POV:
Despite our one little accident we made it to the airport successfully. We were on the plane, we were experiencing a few turbulence and that made me worried for Rye. I looked over to my side, Jack had his eye mask on with his headphones in so he was dead to the world. Rye on the other hand, he was hugging his belly with his eyes closed and breathing heavily. I was about to ask the flight attendant for an air sickness bag but then this happend. Rye throws up all over himself, all over his lap, all over his shirt, all over me and all over Jack. A flight attendant rushed over with a bag which she passed to Rye, he carried on throwing up for a second and I rubbed his back. He looked up, out of breath and embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry." He said sadly. The flight attendant took the bag from him and threw it away.

"It's alright Darling, these things happen. Let me grab you some wet wipes." She said before going back to the cabin to grab some cleaning supplies. Jack was awake now, he was covering his nose and mouth with his hoodie to block out the smell. Brooklyn and Sonny grabbed our bags from the overhead locker so we could change clothes. The flight attendant came back with some wet wipes, we got Rye cleaned up, then Jack and then myself. We were given a spare change of clothes and we made our way to the back of the plane to get changed, the toilets were too small to change in. Along the way, the other passengers were giving over the top disgusted looks to Rye, that made him feel really bad. We finished putting on our clothes and headed back to our seats, the flight attendants were finishing off cleaning the floor space by pur seats were a bit of puke fell on the floor. We sat back down, Rye was sitting on the aisle seat so he was closest to the bathroom. After that, the flight attendants were being really nice to him, giving him free bottles of water. We even got some free snacks, thanks people. Apart from that it was your average plane journey, after we landed Rye was back to his normal self. Let's hope the journey back isn't quite as eventful.

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