Brandy- Flying Earaches

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Andy's POV:
It was finally time for a holiday, a week of sun, sunburns, paella and fanta limòn by the pool. SPAIN! We were on our way to Alicante airport then straight to Calpe (A/N this is not where I am currently, this is where I went last year. I'm in Murcia right now and it is baking outside!) I don't have a problem with flying, I rather enjoy it but I am very sensitive to the ear pressure many people experience during the landing. We were slowly making a decent, we didn't need to put our seatbelts on yet but we were gradually making our way. My ears were KILLING ME! If anything it was giving me a migraine, it felt like my brain was being squeezed. Brooklyn shimied into the window seat next to me, Rye was talking to Jack, Sonny and Elvis in the row behind us. I winced at the pain in my ears and head, it was almost unbearable.

"You alright Andy?" Brooklyn asked looking up from the window.

"My ears hurt, its hurting my head." I said resting my head into my hands which were resting on my knees.

"Did you bring any gum with you?" Brooklyn asked, I shook my head. I know I should've bought some at duty free before we left.

"I didn't bring any either, wait one second." He said before pressing the hostess call button, one of the flight attendants came over.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked friendly.

"His ears hurt, do you have any gum that he could chew?" Brooklyn asked on my behalf.

"We don't sorry, but we have some lolly pops for him to suck on. That normally helps." She said, I would literally take anything right now to soothe it.

"That would be great thanks." Brooklyn said, she made her way back to the cabin. I squeezed Brooks thigh in pain, it hurt so bad. I was so stupid in not bringing any chewing gum, or even bubble gum.

"I know it hurts Andy, you'll be ok soon." He said stroking my hair.

"Trust me, I know how you feel. I used to get killer earaches when I was younger and on a plane, apparently it's to do with the liquid in your ears which you need to balance out." When did Brooklyn learn all this knowledge.

"When did you learn that?" I asked, kind of amazed.

"A flight attendant told me when I was just a wee little tot, she gave me a sherbet lemon to suck on before we landed." He said, what an amazing tale to tell. Which was interrupted by the flight attendant.

"I have a few flavours, take your pick." She said holding out a huge tub of lollipops. I pulled out a grape one, lushness. Brooklyn helped himself to a lemon and lime one.

"How much do you charge for these lollipops?" He asked getting out his wallet.

"They are on the house, this happens more common than you think. Although they are normally screaming toddlers, I love them but they are annoying little buggers sometimes so we give them these to shut them up. Enjoy the rest of the flight, we should be landing shortly." She said before leaving us be. The seatbelt sign was turned on, we started landing more fast and obvious. I leaned my head on Brooklyn's shoulder and he cupped my ears with his hands to try and reduce the pressure, it was quite nice.

We landed and had a glorious time on holiday, sipping on Fanta Limòn and eating Lays. I bought some gum for the flight home which helped a lot. However when we got back to the UK, I noticed a pain in my ears and my head that wouldn't go away. I went to the doctors and they told me I got a ear infection from the pool water, I needed to take antibiotics for a while. I would have rather been on a plane with no gum to help me.
Greetings from Spain! I actually got an ear infection when I came back from Greece five years ago, I hated it.🌵🇪🇦

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