Rylyn- Starting A Family

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Again, sorry if I don't update as much as I used to. I've just gone back to school, I'm in a new building this year and I'm still focusing on not getting lost, there is a new homework system put in place which is slightly confusing to me, I'm trying to memorise my two week timetable for my classes and obviously Year Ten is the year when you start your GCSE courses so it is a big year for me. I will try and update as much as I can, I'll probably start getting into a routine which leaves me more time to write for you lovely people, anyway enough of me. Enjoy!


Brooklyn's POV:

Me and Rye have come to a point in our lives where we feel like we're missing something, that something is a child. We have made a the huge decision to try for a family, I knew that looking after another human being in a massive responsibility, as did Rye. But we both felt ready, we were going to support each other and take care of our child, for the rest of our lives we were going to prioritise theirs. So we started having unprotected sex, just to see how it goes. However, it hadn't been the most successful and the pregnancy test said negative. Not really a big deal for now, we could always try again. So we did, it was after the second attempt that we realised that if we were a bit more relaxed about it and not so routine we'd probably have a better chance. That was our new course of action instead of using my period tracker to see when it was my most fertile day. Obviously we are still going on with our lives as we normally would, and Harvey had invited us to a house party. I didn't have any alcohol, neither did Rye, we both ate the snacks provided. It was a really fun party but as soon as we got back, both me and Rye got really sick. I couldn't stop throwing up, I had to sleep on the bathroom floor. Rye did throw up but not as much as I was, he was more complaining of stomach pain. Harvey had apologised as he said a number of guests had gotten food poisoning from the provided snacks, so that sucked. Rye was starting to feel a lot better after a few days, I however was still up chucking every half an hour. It had gotten better to the point where I am not having to stay put in the bathroom, but the fact that I was still really sick was starting to concern me and it was really starting to concern Rye.

I was lying in bed after throwing up already five times this morning, I had a headache and I felt dizzy. Probably from the dehydration, I was taking some small sips of ginger ale in the hope that it would relieve my nausea. I nuzzled my face into Rye's pillow, I got the smell of his aftershave. If anything that made me feel worse, I chucked the pillow on the ground and switched over to my side. I felt the bed dip beside me, a hand rubbing my back.

"Can I get you some soup or some crackers maybe?" I heard Rye say, I shook my head. Everything I've eaten had just came up.

"No, I can't eat anything." I moaned. I turned onto my back and opened my eyes so I could see my boyfriend, he rested his hand on my forehead.

"You haven't had a fever for days, we both ate the same thing. How are you still so poorly?" Rye questioned, I just shrugged.

"I'm not sure why I'm still sick, I'm still trying to figure out why my period hasn't started yet. It's probably because I haven't eaten." I said, I heard a change in diet and stress can lead to a late period.

"Wait, your period is late, did you say?" Rye asked, I nodded. It was that moment where me and Rye just had the same idea.

"Who knows Brookie, you might be pregnant. I mean you are getting morning sickness, you did say you felt a bit better yesterday afternoon." Rye said, I did feel a little bit yesterday.

"It's a possibility, are you going to buy a test?" I asked Rye, getting slightly excited. I might actually be pregnant!

"Ok, I'll get one right now. If it doesn't come back as positive though then I might need to take you to see a doctor about this vomiting." Rye said, I nodded and understood. I took another few sips of ginger ale before snuggling back into my blankets, I rubbed up and down motions on my tummy. There might be a little baby in there, our baby.

Rye came back twenty minutes later with a pregnancy test, I took it to the bathroom and read the instructions before weeing on it. I took the test back to the bedroom and sat on the bed with Rye, he had a timer on his phone so we knew when to look at the results. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek

"I love you Brookie Babe." Rye cooed in my ear softly, I blushed as I smiled back at him.

"I love you too Rye Pie." I cooed back softly, after a few more minutes waiting the timer went off. Together me and Rye turned the pregnancy test over to read the results.


*Hi, we're Roadtrip. We're having laughs, hope you enjoy this time lapse!*

Rye's POV:

We were at the hospital ready for Brooklyn's scheduled induction, both my Mum and his Mum were in the room with us. Me and Brooklyn decided that we didn't want to know the gender of the baby, we wanted it to be a surprise. I was holding Brooklyn's hand as the midwife told him to push, I was also helping to hold one of his legs up because the epidural had caused him to go paralysed temporarily for delivery.

"You're doing so well Brookie, I'm so proud of you." I said before kissing his sweating forehead.  

"Just one more big push Brooklyn, then you'll meet your baby." The midwife said, I looked down and saw the head, it was covered in a lot of brown hair. Brooklyn took a deep breath in before pushing really hard, his face scrunching up and groaning slightly. He squeezed my hand tightly. Then we heard our baby cry for the first time.

"Congratulations you two, you have a beautiful baby girl!" The midwife announced, I looked down at our daughter. She was so cute, she had a lot of hair, she was absolutely perfect. I cut her cord and the nurses dressed her in a cute pink hat and put on a tiny nappy for her. Brooklyn held her close to his chest, she managed to opened her eyes which were a brown/hazel colour.

"I can't stop looking at her." Brooklyn said, crying tears of happiness. I sat down next to the bed, Brook rested his head on my shoulder, he was still really tired from delivery.

"What do you think we should name her?" I asked him.

"I really like the name Emily." Brooklyn answered, she then made a cute baby coo. I couldn't help but explode from the cuteness.

"I think Emily likes her name." I said happily, putting my finger in her little hand. Emily squeezed our fingers gently, she was the most precious being in the world.


This was a bit rushed but I still hope you liked it xxx

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