Sandy- Man Flu

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Andy's POV:
We were at the studio today, Sonny was in a mood because he had man flu for a couple of days and he had an extremely runny nose. He was lying on the couch sulking. I was sat down on the uncomfortable chair, the only comfort was my pillow that I brought from home, I felt it being pulled from behind my back. I looked to my right and saw Sonny putting it underneath his own head.

"Give me the pillow back Sonny! Do it with your own pillow, I know you're under the weather but that's mine." I said, trying to snatch it back.

"My pillows all the way over there!" He moaned pointing to the cushion that was literally touching his feet.

"That is your laziness!" I shouted dramatically pointing to the cushion, just use the sodding cushion. He already has the whole couch to himself so he shouldn't be complaining.

"Headache." He moaned again, rubbing his forehead. I sat back down in my chair with a huff, there was no point in trying to argue with him. I took it upon myself to use the cushion, it felt like I was sitting on concrete. It was time for Sonny to record in the booth, everyone else had finished. He was just staring at the ceiling, my shadow crept over him.

"Get up!" I said with authority. He rolls over.

"Move your ass, we have a deadline to meet and your not helping." I said, I kicked him lightly on the back.

"Uuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhh!" He groaned before getting up. He got into the booth and started to sing his assigned part, after every sentence he would put his nose up to the microphone and sniff really loudly, he was doing it on purpose.He couldn't be irritating me more.

"For God sake Sonny, just get out. Let's go home." I said, I was sick and tired of everything.

"Yay! I can sleep now, thank you Andrew!" He said hugging me, this was all part of his little plan to leave the studio. I gave in, I didn't fight it. It had been a long day. We got home and ate dinner as per usual, we all went up to bed but then I remember something. Sonny still had my pillow, I marched into his bedroom and threw the door wide open so it banged against the wall. Sonny looked up from his laptop where he was watching Netflix.

"What gives, I'm watching Friday Night Dinner." He said. I held out my hand.

"I am here to collect what's mine, can I have my pillow back please?" I asked as kind as possible but still be mad at him. He tossed my pillow back, it had no rips in it, no damage. It was fine, I hugged it close to my chest.

"Thank you very much indeed, good night, sleep tight, hope the bed bugs do not bite, if they do do a poo, put it in a cornish stew, into the ovens string string string, fish trousers elephant in Peking, sorry busy bee, twiddle diddle dee, daddy's an accountant just like me, night night God bless." I said, no longer mad at him then left the room to go and have a glorious night sleep.

I woke up, my head was hurting really bad, I swallowed and my throat felt like I was feeling stabbed and my nose was completely blocked. No, I'm sick! I shouldn't have let Sonny hug me or take my pillow because I caught his virus.

A shortie but I am dying from period pain today so I wanted to be kind of productive. I thought of some great ideas that are coming your way!

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