Sock- New Recipe

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Jack's POV:
Apart from his Mum being the fittest in the band, Brooklyn's Mummy can make a bloody good batch of cookies. I always miss Brooklyn when he goes home for a few days, we all do. But we all now that he will come home with a huge batch of cookies made by his mother. Brooklyn texted me saying that he was twenty minutes away, that was my time to start making cups of tea or coffee for everyone. I was making myself a cup of tea with soy milk because I am lactose intolerant, I was still looking forward to the cookies because Brook had told his Mum a while back that I couldn't have milk in them. I finished making everyone their drinks and we sat round the coffee table on the sofas. Rye was by the window, waiting for Brook to arrive. After waiting for a couple minutes, we all heard the front door open. Brooklyn ran in with a big lunch box.

"It's cookie time!" He announced, we all cheered. My mouth was watering just looking at the soft, gooey and perfectly round baked goods. We all took a cookie and took a huge bite, I let the chocolate chips melt on my tongue, the butterly vanilla crumbs leaving a lasting taste in my mouth which was delicious. Happy mouth.

"These are amazing Brookie, I think you and your Mum should go on The Great British Bake Off together as a duo!" I told him.

"I didn't make these, I didn't have time as I was visiting some old friends. My Mum made these by herself, it's a new recipe. It's good right?" Brooklyn said. I nodded and took another bite, it was an amazing recipe.

We ate the cookies and drank our drinks, Brooklyn was telling us about his visit back to Essex. However, my stomach started feeling a bit weird. It cramped and churned painfully, I felt slightly nauseated by the leftover cookies on the plate. I slid my hand into my hoodie pocket and held my stomach, rubbing it every now and then. I laid my head on Sonny's shoulder, burying my face into it as the pain in my stomach grew.

"You alright Jackie?" Sonny whispered in my ear so no one else heard. I shook my head slowly.

"It's my stomach." I whispered back, he wrapped his arm around me and I cuddled into him more. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my face as I desperately tried to swallow the rising nausea. I felt like I was literally going to toss my cookies.

"I need the loo!" I announced as I quickly got off the sofa, I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat up and immediately started throwing up, the taste of chocolate chip cookies and hydrochloric acid doesn't blend well flavour wise. I threw up again, bringing up a large quantity of my breakfast and dinner from the night before. The acid was starting to burn my throat, I felt like my stomach was being ripped to shreds as well as being inflated. My tummy felt really bloated, it wasn't comfortable as I was also wearing skinny jeans. I was soon reduced to just dry heaving, painful admittedly but at least I wasn't barfing anymore. I flushed the toilet and sat up against the bath with my knees pulled up to my chest, I face in them as I cried. I hate being sick so much! I heard a knock on the door.

"Jack, are you ok in there?" I heard Sonny asked.

"N-no." I stuttered as I sobbed.

"Do you want me to come in?" He asked.

"P-please." I cried, he opened the door and closed it behind him before kneeling down next to me.

"Have you been sick?" Sonny asked, I nodded. I felt my warm salty tears roll down my cheeks before dripping off my chin onto my shirt. I curled into his side, my stomach cramped again making me whimper in pain.

"My tummy hurts." I whined, Sonny rubbed my arm.

"How about we get you nice and cosy in your bed and I'll massage your tummy?" He suggested, that sounded pretty good.

"Can we snuggle?" I asked him.

"Of course we can, let me carry you." He said before gently hoisting me up by my thighs, carrying me bridal style to my bedroom. He sat me down on the bed.

"How about you get changed into your sweatpants, I'll go downstairs and get you some water and a bucket." Sonny said, I nodded again. He left the room, I shimmied out of my jeans and put on my sweatpants and my comfy hoodie before laying down in my bed. Curling up into a ball with a hand resting on my inflated stomach, I felt so full of air and it was causing me flatulence. Judging by my symptoms I might have had something with lactose in, but I wasn't exactly sure. I felt my stomach rumble angrily, these feelings were all too familiar. I definitely had something with lactose in, Sonny came back in with the waster and bucket, I could tell he noticed the unpleasant smell but he was trying to hide it.

"I'm sorry about the smell, I'm gassy. Light some scented candles if you need to, I'm so sorry." I apologised, I could feel my cheeks going red with embarrassment.

"It's fine Jackie, I'm used to it since I've lived with you lot. Yes, I've gone nose blind." Sonny said, quoting the Febreze advert, he passed me the glass and put the bucket next to my bed. I took a couple sips of water before putting my glass on the bedside table, I made grabby hands for Sonny. He sat down on my bed and pulled me into his lap, he gently rubbed circles on my upset tummy.

"You poor thing, do you think it was something you ate?" Sonny asked me.

"I thought it could be my lactose intolerance but I don't remember having anything with milk or cheese in or anything like that." I told him.

"What about the cookies, Brook said his Mum tried a new recipe and maybe she forgot to use a lacto free milk?" Sonny thought, he does have a point.

"Can you ask him for me please, I feel yucky." I whined, I felt too unwell to move.

"I will, just lay there and let you stomach rest." Sonny said, covering me up with my blanket so I was comfortable. I wasn't entirely comfortable but that was to be expected, a blanket doesn't make all your problems go away. I waited, watching the door until both Sonny and Brooklyn arrived at my side.

"I'm so sorry Jack, I forgot to remind my Mum about your lactose intolerance before she made the cookies. If there is anything I can do to help, I'll do it." Brooklyn offered apologetically.

"Actually there is something, I want you both to cuddle me until I feel better." I asked with puppy eyes, they've never failed me before and being poorly would set them over the edge.

"How could I say no to that cute face, make room for the mushroom!" Brooklyn said before crawling in next to me, before Sonny crawled in the other side. They both snuggled with me and rubbed my belly until I felt better. Brooklyn being a lot more mindful to tell his Mum the next time they baked together, I hear that they will be attempting a Victoria Sponge Cake. I wouldn't give that a miss.


Hope you liked this one xxx

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