Rack- Meningitis

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Hi guys, this is a really sad story and the longest one I ever wrote. It was 6046 words, not including this beginning note. I would have your tissue near you just incase. Enjoy!


Rye's POV:
It was late in the afternoon, I was in the kitchen drinking tea with Andy on the sofa having a good old chit chat and eating some FLAPJACKS!The others would pop in every now and then to grab their dinner and stuff. Surprisingly, Jack came downstairs later than usual and completely ignored the food on the island and flopped down next to us on the sofa.

"Hey Jack, you alright?" I asked looking at him. He looked really tired.

"I don't feel very well." He whined snuggling in between me and Andy. Andy placed his hand on Jack's forehead.

"You're running a temperature, tell us what's wrong." Andy said.

"I have a really bad headache, I feel nauseous, I have stomach cramps and my muscles really hurt." He said, poor guy.

"I think you might have caught the stomach flu Jackie, that's no fun." I said running my hand through his hair. He started whimpering sadly.

"I'll get you some ibuprofen to bring your temperature down and to help your headache, then you should go to bed." I said getting up from the couch and going to the cupboard to grab the painkillers, I filled up a water bottle and grabbed a bucket from under the sink to put by Jack's bed. I held Jack's hand as I guided him back upstairs to his bedroom.

"Jesus Jack, your hands feel like icicles!" I said, his hand were literally freezing. Halfway up the stairs Jack spoke up.

"Rye, I feel like I'm going to be sick." He said before slapping a hand over his mouth and running the rest of the way to the toilet. He immediately started throwing up, I knelt down behind him and rubbed his back slowly. When he finally stopped puking he leaned into my chest and tried to catch his breath again.

"You really don't feel well, do you?" I said rubbing his belly to try and calm his upset stomach.

"Let's get you to bed Jackie." I said quietly. I picked him up and carried him the rest of the way to his room. I got him comfy under his duvet and placed the bucked next to his bed incase he needed to throw up again.

"Rye, my neck hurts. Can you fluff my pillow?" He asked me.

"Sure Jack, whatever you need." I grabbed his pillow and shook it to plump it up. I slipped it back under his head. I passed him a bottle of water and two ibuprofen tablets. He took the medicine and settled down into his bed.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" I said gently rubbing his leg. He nodded slowly, I sat on the edge if his bed and ran my hand through his hair. He soon fell asleep, I slowly got up and went back downstairs to Andy.

"How is he doing?" Andy asked. I sat down on the couch next to him.

"Not so good, he ended up throwing up. I gave him some medicine, hopefully he can hold that down and sleep through the night." I grabbed a flapjack from the plate and chewed it, it tasted nice. I couldn't really enjoy it though because I was worried about Jack. Me and Andy talked for a while then decided to call it a night. We went our separate ways and went to bed, I climbed up on my castle and fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning, I needed to check on Jack and give him some more medicine. I jumped down from my bed and made my way to his room, I slowly opened the door and poked my head through. He was still asleep, I looked a little closer then I noticed something. His whole body was covered in a rash, I went over to him and turned on the lamp on his bedside table.

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