Jacklyn- I Gave Birth To A Jellyfish

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Jack's POV:
I had really bad cramps in my stomach when I woke up this morning, that could only mean one thing. I was on my period, firstly YAY I'M NOT PREGNANT but why do we have to be punished by awful cramps and blood because we don't want to make a baby? I went to the bathroom and looked at my underwear, blood everywhere. It was on my joggers and some of it was on my legs, my cramps hurt so bad that I started getting pain in my legs. I had restless leg syndrome as I tried to figure out what to do next, I decided to take a hot bath  to clean myself up and help the cramps. I got some fresh sweatpants out of my drawer and went back into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and dropped in a bath bomb so I smelled nice afterwards. I got in and soaked of a bit, I saw something rose to the surface of the water. I thought that it was part of the bath bomb, I looked at it. Hey, that's not supposed to be in there! It was a massive blood clot, seriously it was disgusting. This can't be healthy. I grabbed a flannel from the side of the bath and tried to fish it out before washing it down the sink, humans are just gross. I got out and dried myself off, out a pad in a fresh pair of underwear and got dressed into my comfy sweats. My stomach was still in pain, and I was hungry. I waddled downstairs and went to the kitchen to grab some food. Maybe I could order some pizza. Brooklyn was making some coffee, another cramp hit my stomach and it made me feel dizzy. I needed to lie down,I made my way over to the couch and flopped down. I curled myself into a little ball and clutched my stomach.

"What's wrong Jackie, stomach-ache?" Brook asked sitting next to me on the couch. I nodded.

"Yeah, and I gave birth to a jellyfish. Time of the month innit." I said before groaning in pain.

"Aww, are they that bad?" He said slipping his hand under my hoodie so he could rub my tummy. The boy gives good belly rubs, no word of a lie.

"Yeah, they are that bad." I said, I always get bad cramps.

"So how big a jellyfish are we talking?" Brook asked, I don't know why we wanted details about a blood clot from my fanny.

"I don't know, maybe five centimetres. Why do you want to know?"

"I don't think my jellyfish have ever been fully developed." Brook said, I was confused.

"You know I didn't give birth to an actual jellyfish? We are literally just talking about a blood clot." I said, I'm not sure Brook had the right idea.

"You mean we aren't semi-aquatic, thanks for breaking the news to me." Brooklyn joked. I guess he know what I was on about, maybe he is just a weird human being.

"Are you hungry?" Brooklyn asked.

"I'm literally starving, can we order a pizza?" I asked, I really wanted domino's.

"Sure, whatever you want. You're the poorly one." Brook said pulling out the laptop so he could order the food.

"I wouldn't say I'm poorly, I just have bad cramps. It happens all the time." I said adjusting myself so I was curled into Brooklyn's side. We ordered two pepperoni pizzas and some potato wedges, I hate waiting for food with a passion. I just want to eat.

"Brookie, I'm hungry!" I moaned nuzzling my face into his shoulder.

"Hang in there." Brook said, rubbing my belly again.

"I'm still hungry, this isn't making me less hungry. I can actually feel my belly shrinking!" I moaned, my hunger pains were getting stronger, almost matching my cramps.

"You little drama queen." Brook said. I looked at him outraged.

"I can't believe that you would say that about Moi." I said very overdramaticly, but on purpose. He laughed at my little joke. The doorbell rang.

"Oh My God, it's the food!" I said with relief, I wasn't going to die. Brooklyn grabbed the food, we went upstairs to my bedroom and we set out the pizza boxes on one of my blankets and watched movies for the rest of the day.

A week passed and I finished bleeding. Brooklyn ran into my bedroom one morning with a ruler.

"I did it! I gave birth to a five centimetre long jellyfish, finally after all this time. I feel so proud of myself!"

Another period one!

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