Sock- Milk For Dinner

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Sonny's POV:

Jack was very tired today, he fell asleep in my arms whilst were watching a movie so I took him upstairs so he could have a nap. It was almost his dinner time so it was probably time to wake him up because a hungry baby is an unhappy baby. I went to the baby room and saw Jack still asleep in his bed, sucking on his dummy. I sat down on the edge of the mattress and rubbed his back to try and wake him up. His eyes opened, showing his big green eyes, he hugged his teddy bear tighter and sat up in my lap so I could cuddle him.

"Very snuggly today, aren't you baby." I cooed, I love my snuggles with him.

"What do you want for dinner Jackie, do you want me to make you some dino nuggets with some smiley face potatoes?" I suggested, Jack shook his head.

"Not hungwey." He said cuddling into me more, maybe he was still full from lunch so he didn't want much.

"Do you want Daddy to make you a bottle?" I asked, Jack nodded. I guess he was having milk for dinner. I picked him up and took him downstairs to the kitchen, I warmed up some milk and put it in his bottle so I could feed him on the couch. I laid him across my legs and held the bottle to his mouth and he started feeding, I started to relax a bit. He drank about a quarter of it before he started fussing, he whined and moved his head away.

"Do you not want anymore?" I asked, this is unlike Jack. He normally has a big appetite and he always finishes his bottles. He pushed the bottle away with his hand as if to say he didn't want any of it before he curled up into a ball on my lap.

"Aww baby, what's the matter?" I cooed, stroking his hair. He clutched his stomach and curled tighter.

"Ouchie." He whimpered.

"You have a tummy ache?" I asked, he nodded sadly. I held him in my arms and felt his forehead, he felt warm.

"I'm sorry your not feeling well, Bubs. Do you want to get ready for bed, I'll give you a bath and read you a story." I suggested, Jack nodded into my shoulder. I picked him up and carried him back up the stairs and into the bathroom where I sat him down on the toilet lid and started running the water. I grabbed the eucalyptus bubble bath from the cupboard and poured it in so it was nice and soothing, help him to sleep a bit better.

"I'll be back in a minute Jackie, I'll grab your pyjamas for you. Can you go to the toilet for me please?" I asked him, he nodded again. I left him to do his business and went back to the baby room to grab his clothes from his drawer. Andy was in there playing with Brooklyn.

"Hi Sonny, I'm going to make some fish fingers for Brookie in a minute. Does Jack want any?" He asked me, I grabbed the onesie from the pyjamas drawer.

"He won't, he has a bit of a poorly tummy. Thanks for the offer though, I'm just going to give him a bath and put him to bed." I replied.

"Jackie icky?" Brooklyn asked with his thumb in his mouth.

"Yeah buddy, he'll be fine though. He just needs to rest for a bit." I reassured Brooklyn, him and Jack were very overprotective over each other. I heard the toilet flush, Jack was ready for me. I went back to the bathroom, Jack had already undressed himself. I checked the water temperature with my hand, it was nice and warm. I put him in the tub, I showed him his rubber duckie.

"Do you want Donald to play with?" I asked, he normally loves playing with his bath toys. He shook his head, I didn't put the duck away though. I placed him on the water and he watched him Bob along through the bubbles. He wasn't in the mood for playing. I grabbed a cup and dunked it under the water so it filled up, I leaned Jack's head back into my hands and poured the water over it so I could wash his hair. I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and massaged it into his scalp gently, I washed the suds out of his hair and wrapped him up in a towel before placing him back on the toilet lid. I dried him off and started to dress him again. He looked all cute in his onesie, it made him look like an adorable dinosaur.

"Come on my little T-rex, let's get you to bed." I said carrying him back to the baby room, I sat him down and pulled the covers over him. I grabbed his teddy bear and put him in the crook of his arm.

"Which story would you like Baby?" I asked making my way to the bookshelf.

"Duckies." He said, I knew which one he was talking about. It was a nursery rhyme book about a family of ducks, he looked it because I always sang it to him. I picked it up and sat on a bean bag next to his bed.

"Binkie pwease Daddy." Jack said, I grabbed his dummy from the bedside table and put it into his mouth, he sucked on it happily and I started to read.

"Five little ducks went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! But only four little ducks came back. Four little ducks went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! But only three little ducks came back. Three little ducks went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! But only two little ducks came back. Two little ducks went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! But only one little duck came back. One little duck went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! But none of the five little ducks came back. One Mother duck went swimming one day, over the hills and far away. Mother duck said Quack Quack Quack Quack! And all of the five little ducks came back." I sang softly, I closed the story book and looked over at Jack, he was half asleep. I leaned over and kissed his head before tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight baby boy, see you in the morning." I said turning on the night light and leaving the room.

After a good nights sleep, I went back to the baby room to check on my baby boy. I sat on the bed and rubbed his back until he woke up.

"Morning Jackie, how is your tummy feeling?" I asked placing him on my lap.

"Bwetter, I hungwey." He said smiling, I missed his cheesy grin. I felt his forehead, he felt normal.

"Your fever's gone, that's good. Let's get you some food little one, you must be hungry." I said picking him up. It was nice seeing him back to his normal self.

Greetings from Spain! Thank God for data roaming 🌵🇪🇦

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