Jandy- Hometown Sickness

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Basically, Jack is Andy's boyfriend and they have gone to Ireland to see Jack's family.


Jack's POV:

This wasn't travel sickness. As me and Andy travelled to my hometown in Ireland I started to feel a bit sick, I rarely get travel sick though. I thought that just being tired, stressed by the flight and the pastry I ate on the plane mixed with the actually travelling could have just made me slightly queasy. But no, this was only getting worse when we got back to my house. We greeted my Mum and my sister, Emily, and my dog, Ollie, before taking our bags upstairs and getting ready for bed. It was quite late when we landed due to a three hour delay. We went to my old bedroom, I wasted no time into getting my sweatpants on and diving under my duvet. I couldn't tell whether it was just the fact that this room hadn't been lived in for months that it was cold or if it was just me. Andy, in his boxers, climbed into bed next to me, I snuggled up to him closer as more chills raced through my body.

"You cold Baby?" Andy asked me as he played with my hair, I nodded. I could feel my stomach churning painfully, I thought I was being stabbed.

"A-andy." I stuttered, whimpering in pain.

"Yes Jackie, what's the matter?" He asked me concerned.

"M-my t-tummy r-really h-hurts!" I said, tears welling up in my eyes

"Aww poor Baby, it's ok. Do you want me to rub it?" He asked me, I nodded again.

"Yes please." I said, I got up from under the covers, laying on top of them instead. Andy lay beside me and rubbed circles on my tummy, it helped at the start but after a couple minutes the pain was so bad I didn't want anyone to touch my stomach. I was also starting to feel increasingly more nauseous, I moved Andy's hand away from my belly.

"I'm sorry Jackie, was I pressing too hard?" Andy apologised, I shook my head no. I was afraid to opened my mouth incase I threw up. All of a sudden I burp, a very sick sounding burp. I slapped my hand over my mouth and tried to breathe through the intense nausea.

"Jackie, should we go to the bathroom. You look like you're going to be sick." He told me, I nodded as I was now very much unable to speak. He took my hand and lead me into the family bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet, almost immediately up chucking all the food I had consumed this week.

"Aww Jackie." Andy cooed as he rubbed my back. More vomit poured out of my mouth and my nose, the hydrochloric acid burning my throat.

"Andy...it burns!" I cried in between gags.

"I know sweetheart, just breathe. You're going to be okay." He whimpered in my ear softly, I threw up once more before melting into his arms. I was so tired, my stomach really hurt, my eye balls felt like they were being fried. I nuzzled my face into Andy's chest as I cried in pain.

"Ssshhh, Andy's here. It's over now, everything is going to be fine." He cooed as he rubbed my back, wrapping his arm around me. We stayed on the floor for a couple minutes, we both heard footsteps along the landing.

"Oh Sweetie, what happened?" I heard my Mum's voice say, I looked up and saw her looking down on us sympathetically.

"I-I t-threw u-up!" I sobbed. Andy kissed the top of my head.

"Let me go get you some water Baby, do you mind staying with your Mum for a minute?" Andy asked, as much as I wanted cuddles with my boyfriend I really wanted my Mum right now too.

"I-I don't mind." I said wiping my sore eyes with my hoodie sleeve. Andy stood up, flushed the toilet before sitting me down on the toilet lid.

"I'll be back soon, ok?" He said, I nodded before he left the bathroom. I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"My stomach hurts really bad, Mummy." I said sadly, the first time I called my Mum Mummy in years but I just felt so terrible.

"I know Love, I'm sorry you're feeling poorly Jackie." She said, I felt her cold hand against my forehead. It made me shiver with cold.

"You definitely have a temperature, I need to check that." She said before turning to the cabinet and pulling out the thermometer. She slipped it under my tongue, I held it in my mouth until we heard it beep. She took it out of my mouth and read what it said.

"You're at 102.6. Aww sweetheart, you must be feeling awful." She cooed softly, I did feel awful. Andy came back in with a glass of water.

"Here you go Baby, take small sips." He said handing me the glass.

"Thanks Darling." I said, croaky. I took a couple small sips to get the gross taste of sick out my mouth.

"Here take these Jack." My Mum said, passing me two stomach relaxers. I swallowed both of them down with my water, I hoped that I could keep them down.

"How about you get comfy in bed with Andy, I'll bring you a hot water bottle?" My Mum suggested, that sounded nice. I nodded, yes.

"Come here Babe, let me carry you." Andy said holding his arms out to pick me up, he hoisted me up gently by the thighs and carried me bridal style back to my room. He laid me down on the bed and covered me up with the duvet, Andy laid next to me.

"Cuddle up next to me Jackie, you're freezing." He told me, I felt really cold. I crawled into his warm embrace, my head up against his chest so I could listen to his heart beat. I closed my eyes and started dozing off. I wasn't fully asleep when I felt something warm rub up against my tummy, it was my hot water bottle.

"Thanks Mum." I said, half asleep. I felt two kisses on my head, one from my Mum and the other from Andy.

"Hope you feel better in the morning Baby." Andy whispered in my ear before we both fell asleep.

Andy's POV:
Jack stayed asleep the whole night, he hasn't thrown up since before but he was still feeling really bad the next morning. We had moved from his bedroom to the living room, we snuggled up on the couch together and watched Harry Potter. I was rubbing Jack's stomach gently as we watched the film, he found it very soothing. Ollie came into the room and laid down next to us, me and Jack gave him a quick scratch behind the ears before turning our attention back to the film. Ollie rolled over onto his back, he had his paws up and the cutest begging face ever. He started giving us these puppy whimpers.

"He wants a belly rub." Jack said, he reached his arm out from the blanket and rubbed his furry little tummy. Jack eventually pulled the dog onto his lap and cradled him, stroking his fur softly.

"How do you feel Baby?" I asked Jack.

"My tummy still hurts, I just feel yucky." He said sadly.

"Do you still feel sick?" I asked him.

"No, not anymore. I just want to be better for the rest of the trip, I had a lot planned and I don't want to ruin it." Jack said guilty.

"It's not your fault that you're sick Jackie, I actually have a feeling it was that pastry from the plane. Airline food is nasty." I told him, I didn't eat the pastries. I just had a cup of tea.

"Who knows, just please promise me that you will not stop snuggling with me until I feel better." He asked me.

"I promise." I said before kissing his forehead.

The rest of the day we snuggled together with Ollie and watched movies. Luckily, Jack was better by the next morning and we were able to do the things Jack had planned for our trip.

I had a lot of idea for this one xxx

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